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Chapter 14

"Hello Sexy!" Gerry said as she attacked nick coming through the door. "You spending the night?"

"Of course I am. I love to watch you sleep and waking up with you beside me." Nick whispered in Ger's ear.

"Hello Yea, Brian is here. Which means you all aren't alone." Brian grinned as he walked in behind Nick.

"Is that Brian I hear." I yelled from the Kitchen.

"Yeah that would be me." Brian yelled back. "Where are you?"

I ran into the room putting my arms around him,"I'm right here."

"Very funny." he smiled back.

"So what do you wanna do?"

"I know what Brian wants to do. Go upstairs with you."

"Shut up Nick." Brian yelled when he saw me blush. "I'm sure that's what you want to do."

"Heck yeah." He looked at Gerry as she began to turn red.

"Seriously what do you wanna do?"

"Umm, I don't know. Dinner? Movie? Club?"

"Let's go to a movie."

"Ok this way." Brian ushered towards the door.

"Well be back in a couple hours you two."

"Take your time," Gerry said looking into Nick's eyes.

Brian and I laughed as we went out the door.

Nick scooped Gerry up and carried her up the stairs. "Nickolas Carter!!" Gerry yelled.

"Yes dear." Nick said nonchalantly

"I love you."

"Love ya too!" Nick said as he kissed Ger.


"Ok, what do you wanna see?" I asked Brian

"I don't know. What do you wanna see?"

"I asked you first." I grinned

"I don't know. What do you wanna see."

"I don't know. That's why I asked you."

"Umm, how about Patch Adams?"

"Sounds good. Let's see that."

"Ok." Brian bought the tickets and we went in.

"I'm going to get a drink. You want one?"

"Sure, I'll get us some good seats."

I got both drinks and went to find Brian. "The back huh?"

"They are the best seats." Brian flashed me a smile.

"Here you go." I gave Brian a drink and sat down. Brian took a big drink and made a discussed face.

"Yuck. This is yours." Brian handed me the drink and took the one in my hands.

"Ah did I get them mixed up. I'm sorry." I grinned

"You evil, evil woman."

"Yes." I laughed


"So you wanna get anything to eat. I'm in major need of a hamburger."


I will give you one guess where we went. Yes, you got it. McDonalds.

"Hey I wanna play." I said as soon as both of us were done. I went to the Play land with Brian right behind me.

"You are crazy"

"Ah, don't tell me you don't wanna play." I smiled.

"Yeah but I have never met a girl like you. You like to do all this crazy stuff. Don't get me wrong I love it."

"Good, cause this is the real me and I wanna know the real you."

"Alright, last one in is a rotten egg." Brian laughed as he ran inside the Play land.

"You cheated." I ran up behind him and jumped on top of his back. "Ha Ha. Try to get in now."

"And you say I am a cheater." Brian laughed.

We played in there a good hour. It was so fun acting like a kid again. Brian brought the playfulness in me. I loved it. He was a lot of fun.

"Man I'm getting tired. You care if we go home?"

"Nope." Brian shook his head. We got into Brian's Jeep and headed back to my house. "I wonder what we are going to be interrupting?

"I don't even wanna know." I laughed "But we are about to find out." I went up to the door and unlocked it. No one was in the living room. "Shoot, they aren't in here."

"Good." Brian put his arms around my waist and kissed me. "I am really glad you decided to see me too."

"Me too. AJ blew up but he calmed down just like you said he would." I kissed Brian back. "I had a great time."

"Me too. Can I see you tomorrow?" Brian said still holding me.

"Sorry, but I have plans with AJ."

"Oh," Brian looked hurt.

"Hey don't do that. You know I like you. It is going to take me a little while to decide. When I do, I'll tell ya. Don't give up yet." I said kissing him. "I'm really tired, so I am going to go to bed. Call ya?"

"Yeah" Brian smiled again. "Bye" He kissed me one more time and left.

Chapter 15
BSB Fan Fiction
