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Chapter 16

"So tell about you and AJ."

"Oh that would be a confusing topic. I don't even know about me and AJ." I said sadly. I told her the whole story from the beginning to my date with Brian. "So, I don't know what to do. I get in such messes."

"Yeah, I leave you for 1 month." Wendy grinned.

"Oh hush, I really don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt either of them. You know."

"Yeah I know. So, Ger and Nick too huh. I wonder if Kevin is dating one of my friends." Wendy laughed.

"So what is up with you and Howie?" I smiled as Wendy blushed.

"We both really love each other a lot. He is the greatest guy."

"Wow, I'm really happy for you." I hugged Wendy. "You should see Nick and Gerry. They love each other a lot too. I don't know if they are willing to admit it yet. They haven't spent two minutes apart from each other. They are really cute. I'll be sure and invite you to the wedding." I laughed.

"That serious huh?"

"I think so. Of course I have had my own problems to attend to." My eyes stared to brim with tears.

"Don't worry. Everything will work out." Wendy hugged me.

"Yeah, I'm sure you are right." I rubbed my eyes. "Let's go find some clothes."

"Oh yeah. Shopping is the greatest. Hey look at that." Wendy pointed in the store at a short blue dress. "That would look really good on you."

"I think we should go in there." I smiled as we headed over to the store.


"What do you think of Angel?" AJ looked across the table in the food court at Howie.

"She seems really nice. No wonder Brian likes her too." AJ looked down. "Sorry, man. It just slipped out. I am sure that everything will work out. You just need to give her some time. Don't rush her."

"I don't know how I lost her, D."

"You haven't lost her yet. AJ, don't jump to conclusions."

"I'm not. Last night I got really hungry and decided to go to McDonald's. I saw them there. She loves him and he loves her too. How could he not?"

"Did they see you?"

"No, they were to busy playing."


"They were in the Play Land together."

"Oh. I should have guess. We are talking about Brian."

"I don't know what to do."

"Listen I don't know what to tell you. I do think that you shouldn't give up. Let her get to know you better before you give up."

"Yeah I guess your right."

"Don't do that. I''ll never be able convince him that I am right ever again." Wendy smiled and we walk up to the guys.

"You are always right, Hun. That is what I was telling AJ."

"Oh really. Your so sweet."

"That's my name." Howie smiled and kissed Wendy.

"Remind me to take lessons from you, D." AJ laughed.

"Um, I think we need some ice cream." Wendy looked at me.

"Same old Wendy."

"You mean she always wants ice cream."


"I was hoping that was a temporary craving."

"Don't count on it." I grinned. Wendy pouted at our conversation. "You know I love you."

"Yeah, let's get some ice cream!"


When I got home I found a note by the phone : "Brian called. Give him a call back."

I went over the phone and called Brian. It only took one ring for him to answer it.

"Hey Girl. I missed you. What did you think of Howie's girl?"

"Well, it turns out she is my best friend, Wendy."

"Really, that is nuts."

"Yeah, I thought so."

"So are you claimed for tomorrow?"

"Nope, I am all yours."

"Good. What are you doing now?"


"You wanna come over?"

"Sure, I'll be right there."

Chapter 17
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