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Chapter 17

When I pulled into Brian's driveway, I noticed the front door was open. "OK?" I thought to myself. I walked up to the front of Brian's two story brick house. There was a piece of paper on the door that read: Come on in. Go upstairs, first door to the right. So I did like the note said. I found the room filled with roses and candles. The waterbed was even covered in rose petals.

"You like it?" Brian said from behind me with a dozen roses in hand.

"I love it." I whispered as I turned giving Brian a passionate kiss. Brian put the roses down and put his hands on my hips moving me closer to him. "Wow, you did miss me."

"I told you I did." Brian whispered. I kissed him again, but this time I slowly slid my tongue in his open mouth. He returned the kissed which sent shivers up my back. Brian noticed me shiver so he started rubbing my back with one hand while the other stayed on my hip. Brian broke the kiss and looked deep into my eyes. "Just tell me to stop when you want to."

"I don't want you to stop. I never want you to stop." Brian smiled and picked me up carrying me to the bed. We started kissing again as Brian laid me on the bed and soon joined me.

"Are you sure?"

"I am positive. I want to be with you and just you."

"Are you saying what I think you are saying?"

"Yes, I want you. Not AJ, you." I said. Brian smiled and moved on top of me. He kissed and touched me all over. I thought I was going to go mad if he didn't make love to me soon. "Please don't torture me anymore. Make love to me."

"I just want you to know how much I love you. All of you." Brian smiled and kissed my lips.

"I love you too." God, I do. I love him so much. I knew from the first moment I met him that he was my soul mate. Nick and Gerry were right, we do belong together. We belong together forever. I never wanted this night to end. Brian and I made love for hours. I fell asleep beside of him, our arms both around each other.

The next morning I woke up as Brian was getting out of bed. "I was trying not to wake you, sorry."

"It's OK. Where are you going?"

"I'm gonna take a shower. Wanna join me?" He gave me a devilish grin.

"In a minute. You go ahead."

"OK" He pouted. He gave me a kiss and went to take his shower.

I couldn't believe what happened. Me and Brian...Wow. Everything seems so clear now. I couldn't help but laugh to myself. It took sex to make everything clear. Great! I will have to remember to tell someone that when they say they are confused. I laughed again at that thought. I got out of bed and put a bathrobe on and was about to go join Brian when the doorbell rang. "Hey Baby could you get that." Brian yelled out of the bathroom.

"Sure." I headed down the stairs to the front door. "hel.." Something hit me on the top of my head and I was completely knocked out.


"Babe, what's taking so long." Brian yelled down the stairs. There was no answer. "Ang?" Brian started to walk down the stairs. The front door was wide open and an envelope on the floor. He picked the note up and read it to himself. "Deliver a mill or you'll never see your precious girlfriend again." "NO!" Brian yelled at the top of his voice. "I can't lose her now." He started to crumble to the floor in tears.


"Slow down. Brian, what's wrong?" Nick paused. "Your kidding! OK we'll be right over." Nick looked into Gerry's eyes. "I have some bad news."

"What's wrong. Nick your scaring me." Nick grabbed hold of Ger's hands and was about to speak but took a deep breath and was in thought again. "Nick just tell me!"

"Angel has been kidnapped."

"What. No, you heard Brian wrong. Call him back. You heard him wrong!" Gerry began to cry and Nick Held her close.

"I'm sorry. That's what Brian said. They want a million dollars for her."

"A am I going to be able to come up with that. God, This is horrible. This is wrong." Nick just held Gerry and let her cry.

"Don't worry. Brian and I will think of something. I wonder if AJ knows?

"I'd better call him."

Chapter 18
BSB Fan Fiction
