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Chapter 19

"Yo, B-Rok. Man she isn't in here. Besides this place gives me the creeps." AJ said walking behind Brian.

"She's here. I know she is. I can feel it. Did you hear that? It's her, I know it!!"

"I know you want to find her, Bri, but that wasn't her. It's probly a rat or a killer or.."

"Chill AJ."

"I told you this place gives me the creeps. We're gonna get killed. Maybe we should just call the cops. They could come get her."

"AJ, you can leave if you want to but I know that was her."

"No, No, I'm staying." There was a loud bang and AJ grabs onto Brian's shirt. "What was that?"

"Something feel, relax."

"We're gonna get killed. I just know it."

"AJ, If you don't chill. I'm gonna kill you,"


"I can't take it anymore. I WANNA GO HOME!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "I want a nice hot bath, fresh clothes and a cheese pizza. Make that an extra large cheese pizza. I am making myself hungry. Oh man I'm talking to myself again. I AM GONNA GO INSANE! AHHHHH!!!"


"Did you hear that? That was her. Where did it come from?"

"How should I know? There is one of the biggest echoes in here." AJ glared at Brian.

"Well, listen closer..that was her scream."

"Wait a second. How do you know what she screams like?"

"Never mind that. Just listen." Brian continued to walk.

"Well, fine, but I don't have sonic hearing. You listen. You know, Bri. We could be walking in on a Mafia thing."

"AJ, you have a way over active imagination. There it was again. It came from over there." AJ and Brian go to an old wooden door. "Listen"


"Oh my God---, I heard voices. It's the kidnappers." I began to get frightened. "What am I gonna do?" I started to look around for anything and everything I could use as a weapon. I decided on a chair that's bottom was out.

"Who's out there?" I said at the door.



"It's really you!"

"Brian?" I said confused

"Yeah, it's me. AJ's with me too."

"I am soo glad to hear you. Oh I missed you."

"I missed you too. Are you alone?"

"Yeah. How did you find me?"

"Long story. I'll tell you when I get you out of there and home. Angel, AJ and I are going to try to break the door down. You need to stay as far away from the door as you can."

"We're what?" AJ said shocked

"We can do it. Look." Brian pointed to and old forklift.

"Oh, like that is gonna work. How long has this place been vacant?"

"I don't know..It's worth a shot." Brian said as he got on and started the Machine. "See." Just then the engine died. "OH GREAT!"

"What!" I yelled.

"Nothing, Sweetie. Hold on." Brian yelled.

"Now what are you gonna try, he-man?" AJ laughed.

"Well, I am glad you think it's funny."

"Hey Bri. Why don't you try this?" AJ grabbed an Ax and handed it to Brian.

"How long have you had that?" Brian looked annoyed.

"Since you got on that contraption." AJ smiled. Brian started whacking at the door. When he finally got it down, he ran in and kissed me."oh I missed you so much. I was soo worried."

"I missed you, too!" I kissed him back.

"Glad you missed me!" AJ halfheartedly smiled and looked on.

"I'm sorry, AJ. I missed you too!" I hugged him.

"That's OK. I'm going to give you and Brian some time alone."

"AJ?" He just waved his hand and left. "What's up with him?"

"He knows..."

"WHAT! Did you tell him? I wanted to break it to him gently."

"No, I didn't tell him you loved me. He just knew. I did tell him how I felt about you. I love you. I don't think I could live without you."

"Oh, Brian." I kissed him. "We'd better go before, who every kidnapped me comes back."

"You don't know who it was?"

"No, Let's go."

Chapter 20
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