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Chapter 2

"So is this your first year?" I asked over French Fries "I don't think I have seen you here before."

After swallowing a mouthful of Cheeseburger he smiled and said "Yeah, I thought I could at least take a few classes, while I have the time. So what is your major? I don't have one yet."

"Elementary Education. I love little kids! Are you going to be able to finish the semester out? Or will you have to go back to Florida?"

"I hope so." He grined arcoss the table. Then made a face that made me die laughing. "You know your a cool chick."

"Thanks oh by the way my name is Angel. You can call me Ang if you want to."


"Oh My God! What time is it? My sister is going to kill me!"

"Almost 2:15"

"Oh man I have to go!"

"No Problem I understand. Hey can I have your phone number" He smiled so sexy, how could I refuse.

"Sure, Here you go." I wrote it down quickly on a napkin.

"Hey, I'll call you, Angel."

"That is if I am not murdered." I laughed and ran out the door of the University food court.


"Where on earth have you been?" Gerry said half worried and half mad.

"I'm sorry, Sis. Let's go home and I will explain when we get there. Believe me you won't believe what I have to tell you." I was smiling from ear to ear.

"Why can't you explain it to me now?" Gerry was getting very impatient. I could tell by the wrincle across her forehead. I tryied so hard not to grin but there was no use. "must be good by the smile on your face."

"Trust me girl..It's awesome but right now I need to concintrate on the road." and not on AJ I thought to myself. I liked him a lot and I couldn't hide it."If I start to explain now I won't be able to concintrate." I laughed it was funny to make Gerry squarm.

"Oh, why do you have to be so difficult? Just tell me already." This was driving her insane. Just then the light turned Red. "Ok, I'll tell you. I was out with AJ McLean.

"Ok if you didn't want to tell me that's fine. You didn't have to make a joke!" Gerry was getting mad. Just as I was about to explain the light turned Green.

"I told you that you wouldn't believe me."

"Oh come on. You can't be serious."

"I am totally serious. I ate lunch with him and had a long conversation. He even asked for my phone number." I pulled into the driveway.

"Ok smarty, where did you meet him?"

I got out of the car and replyed,"in my biology class."

"Funny, I was starting to believe you."

"You are so hard headed. I'm serious!"

"Yeah, Right."

"AHHHH!!!" The answering machine beeped, "I'm not finished talkin' to you yet." Gerry ran to the answering machine and punched the botton. "you have one message" the machine said.

"Hey Angel. It was nice to meet you today and well I was thinking. If you don't have anything to do tonight..well Do you wanna go out with me tonight? Oh, I can't believe I forgot to say this...This is AJ. Sorry I always do that. If you do, well do you know anyone else that would go with you? Nick is here and well I don't wanna leave him by himself."

By this point Gerry is screaming..."NICK CARTER!!" over and over.

"Well give me a call at...."

"You were telling the truth. Oh can I go? You know how much I love Nick Carter. P-L-E-A-S-E--?"

"Oh I shouldn't but ok." I smiled Gerry started jumping up and down. I called AJ back and gave him the directions to my house. He said he and Nick would pick us up around 7.

"What am I going to wear?"

Gerry laughed "You like him don't ya?"

"No..yes...maybe" I ploped down on the bed. I have to admit I do.

Chapter 3
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