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Chapter 20

"ANGEL!!" Gerry yelled as she ran outside. Nick followed her close behind. "I never thought I would see you again!" She hugged me as she started to cry.

"Yeah, I never thought that I would either." I started to cry too.

"Welcome home." Nick joined the hug and soon so did Brian.

"Ah, heck." AJ smiled as he joined the group. I started to laugh. I couldn't stop myself.

"What's so funny?" Brian said poking me in the ribs.

"Can you imagine what people must have thought driving by?" I laughed again. "Let's go inside. I wanna take a shower."

"Only if I can join you." Brian snickered.

"Brian." Everyone said at the same time.

"Geez, OK. But I am waiting right outside the door. I don't wanna lose you again."


"I'm so glad she's home." Ger smiled up at Nick.

"Me too. You know that little wrinkle on your forehead was cute but I am glad it's gone."

"I love you, Nick." She kissed him.

"ummm, I got an idea." Nick smiled and kissed Ger.

"Not If I have one first." Ger laughed and both of them run upstairs, passing Brian standing outside the bathroom in a whirlwind.

"What the heck?" Brian said while his eyes followed them running down the hall. The door the Ger's room then slammed and giggles followed. "Oh. Hey Ang, your not going to believe this." Brian yelled into the bathroom door.

"I already know." I yelled while getting dressed.

"You do?"

"Yeah, I know my sister all to well." I said as I emerged from the bathroom in a pair of jeans and a baby blue tank top.

"Wow, you smell and look so good."

"Gee thanks. I know bathrobes aren't that attractive but you know I didn't choose to be kidnapped in one. Remember."

"I could get use to you in a bathrobe." Brian wrapped his arms around me kissing me and moving to my neck.

"Brian, AJ's downstairs. Later." I smiled and kissed him.


"Your so bad." I laughed.

"Yeah but I thought you liked me that way." He smiled and went back to kissing me.

"Guys, I....sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." AJ looked all sad and went back downstairs.

"No, AJ you aren't interrupting anything. What was it you were saying?"

"I just wanted you to know they caught the kidnappers. The police had the warehouse under stakeout after we called them and told them we found you. They got the kidnappers coming back to the warehouse." AJ smiled a little.

"Thanks AJ." I hugged him and whispered, "For everything."

"No problem." He smiled and went back downstairs.


Three Months Later

"Oh, I am going to miss them, especially Brian." I started to cry.

"I know, I don't want them to go either." Gerry joined me in crying.

"What's wrong you two?" Nick said as he came downstairs. Nick and Brian were now living with us.

"Were just so sad that you are living tomorrow." Gerry said thru tears. Nick came over and put his arms around her giving her a tight squeeze.

"Don't worry. It isn't a tour. We are just going to be gone for two weeks. This promotion shouldn't take that long."

"I know but two weeks that seems like a lifetime."

"Why don't you come with us?"

"You know I can't. I have school. I can't just take off for two weeks. No matter how much I want to be with you, I just can't."

"I wish you could. I am really going to miss you too."

"What's going on?" Brian came downstairs in a pair of boxers and a T-shirt. He scratched his head while looking on as I was crying and Nick was holding Ger while she cried.

"Oh, Brian I wish you didn't have to leave." I went over to him and flung my arms around him.

"Ohhhh, I know what's going on now." Brian hugged me, "Don't worry. We won't be gone long. I promise I'll call a million times a day."

"You'd better. I'm holding you to that. A Million!" I laughed over my tears.

"aa, aa."

"Chill, Bri. I'm just kidding."

That caused everyone to laugh. "Why can't you come with me again?" Brian looked down at me.

"School, I'm only a year and a half away from graduation. Then I can go with you where ever you go."

"I can't wait." Brian smiled.

Chapter 21
BSB Fan Fiction
