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Chapter 21

Year and a Half later

"Ger, hurry up!!" I yelled up to my sister's room.

"I'm hurrying. Geez, someone is eager to see Brian. I'm not mentioning any names!" Gerry yelled downstairs to me. I was pacing back and forth. The guys had been on tour for a year and oh I missed them. Especially my boyfriend, Brian. Ger, was excited to see Nick too, but she wouldn't admit it. She changed nearly eight times!

"If you aren't down here in 10, I'm leaving without you!"

"Yes, Mother." Gerry said walking down the stairs in a red velvet, long sleeved dress with black heels.

"Well, aren't we all dressed up." I smiled. "No, you aren't excited about seeing Nick." I teased her.

"Shut up." She hit me with her purse. "I am not the one yelling every two seconds to go."

"Shut up." I blushed. "Let's go, Geez, They are going to think we forgot about 'em"

"Not likely. Brian has called you like fifty times a day."

"And Nick has called the other fifty." I laughed. Gerry blushed and we left the house and headed toward the airport.


"Nicky!!!" Gerry ran towards a running Nick. They met and fell on the ground together "I missed you so much!!" Ger said in between kisses.

"I missed you too!"

"Geez, they don't waste any time." Kevin laughed.

"HEY BABY!" Brian yelled as he got off the plane.

"It's about time you get off that plane." I grinned as I went to greet him. "I missed you. It seems like ages since I saw you last."

"I know, when was the last time I saw you? Oh that's right a month ago." Brian laughed.

"Oh fine." I pretended to pout and turned my back on him.

"You know I missed you." He wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck.

"Well, I am glad you did, cause I didn't miss you at all." I grinned trying to hold in the laughter.

"Awww." Brian pouted. I couldn't hold it any longer. I died laughing. "You evil woman." Brian laughed

"Yep that's my name." I laughed and turned around to kiss him.

"I got plans for us tonight. I hope you don't mind."

"I don't mind as long as I get to spend every minute of it with you." I smiled

"Well, not every minute but a majority of it."


"I have to sing the national anthem at the ball game tonight. I was going to take you with me."

"Cool, I haven't been to a home game this year."

"Great, let's go home. I just wanna be with you every second." He smiled and picked me up twirling me around in a circle.

"Brian, your gonna make me sick. Hey guys, help!!" I yelled. They all just laughed and went on.

"We had to put up with Mister Depression for the whole tour. He's all yours now." Howie laughed.


"I'll be right back." Brian said as he got up from his seat and walked to the center of the floor.

"Hello everyone. Most of you know who I am, but for those who don't, I'm Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys. I was asked tonight to sing the national Anthem but before I do that I'd like to share something with all of you. As some of the students know I am dating a girl that goes to school here." Brian turned toward me and smiled. I was a deep shade of red. This just seemed to make Brian's smile wider.

"Her name is Angel Pierce. Ang, can you come out here with me?" I was about to die right then and there but I managed to get up and go out on the floor with Brian.

"Brian what are you doing?" I said really low.

"Bare with me, Sweetie." Brian took the mic back up to his mouth and spoke again. "Angel, you know I love you so much. I couldn't imagine another day without you near me." He took my hand and got down on one knee. "Ang, Will you marry me?" He then took a small box out of his pocket and opened it. It was the biggest Diamond you ever saw.

I took in the deepest breath and started to cry. "Ye..Ye...Yes." Brian slipped the ring on my finger and kissed me. The crowd went nuts. I was about to go absolutely weak in the knees. "Say with me while I sing." He said in my ear. I did, but mostly cause I didn't think I could make it back to my seat without his help. I was so excited I couldn't wait to tell Gerry.

Chapter 22
BSB Fan Fiction
