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Chapter 22

As soon as Brian and I pulled into my driveway, I ran inside to find Gerry. "Gerry, you home?"

"Yeah, We're here." Ger ran to meet me. "I have really good news!"

"Really...Me too!! Look." I held up my left hand to show Ger my ring.

"Oh My God." she screamed and held up her left hand.

"No way." I said in disbelief.

"Way." She smiled. We both screamed and began to jump up and down.

"What's going on?" Brian laughed as he walked in seeing me and Ger jumping and screaming like complete idiots.

"I asked Gerry to marry me and she said yes." Nick said coming out of the kitchen.

"No way. I asked Angel too. Congrats, man"

Nick looked at Ger and me and shook his head. "Girls" He smiled.

"Yeah, aren't they great?"

"Yeah and cute too." Nick and Brian started to laugh. Ger and I stood still and looked at them a little puzzled.

"What?" we said that the same time as both Nick and Brian laughed


"Ger, you like this dress?" I held a wedding dress up.

"Umm, it's OK. Not my style."

"Argh, I don't like any of these. Oh, Ger!"

"What?" Gerry whipped her head around to see what caught my attention.

"This would look perfect on you." I said showing Ger the dress.

"Oh wow. I love it. I'm gonna go try it on." Ger took the dress and went to the nearest dressing room.

"Hello lovely." I heard someone say behind me.

"Brian, you can't be here. I got to get a dress and you know you can't see it." I teased him.

"I just wanted to come see you. I missed you." He said putting his arms around my waist.

"That's OK. I can't find one in here anyway. I think Ger found one though. She's trying it on."

"Oh, Can I see it?" Brian gave me a grin like he was up to something.

"What are you up to?"

"Nothing, dear. I am never up to anything." he smiled and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

"Yes, you are. I know that look in your eyes."

"OK, OK I wanted to tease Nick. I would know what Gerry's dress looked like but he didn't." He said while looking at the ground.

"You are so bad." I laughed. "But that's why I love you." He looked up at me a grinned from ear to ear. "Now go, before Ger gets finished." I said giving him a kiss good-bye.

"I love you!" He yelled before totally leaving.

"Was that Brian I heard?" Ger said coming out of the dressing room.

"Yeah." I said not even looking at her. I then looked back at Ger. "Wow. That is...Wow. That's perfect. Nick is going to love it." I smiled.

"You think so." Ger smiled back at me.

"Yeah. You look great."

"I think I'm going to get it." Ger said as she went back into the dressing room.

We then went to a few more stores before I finally settled on a dress.


The Day Of The Wedding

"Brian get up!" Nick yelled and jumped on the bed next to him.

"Nick Get off!" Brian yelled and pulled the covers back over his head.

"Wonder if Angel knows what she is getting herself into?" Nick thought to himself. "Come on, Brian. Get up. We've got to be at the church in an hour."

"AHHH!" Brian jumped up out of bed and went directly to the closet and grabbed his tux and ran down the stairs.

"Geez, if knew that was all I had to say." Nick laughed to himself. "Wait for me." Nick yelled and ran after Brian.

"Hey, Brian. I got to go pick up my tux. Meet you there."

"K, see ya there." Brian said as he got into his car and made his way to the church.

Chapter 23
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