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Chapter 23

"Ang, wake up. We got a busy day ahead." Ger said as she tried to wake me up. "I wonder if Brian knows what he is getting himself into." Gerry thought to herself. "Angel, WAKE UP!" She yelled. I jumped straight up out of bed.

"Don't do that." I said as I laid back down on my bed and covered my head up with my pillow.

"OK, I'll tell Brian that you don't wanna get married today." Gerry pretended to walk away.

"Don't you even!" I jumped up. "I'll tell Nick you don't wanna be married to him."

"I can't believe today is the day." Ger laughed as she turned back to me. "Can you believe it?"

"No, but I can't wait to be Mrs. Brian Thomas Littrell. That has a nice sound to it doesn't it?"

"Not as nice as Mrs. Nickolas Gene Carter." I hit Ger with a pillow which started a huge pillow fight.

"Girls, Girls." my best friend Martha said as she came into the room. Ger and both threw a pillow at her, beaming her in the head. Ger and I both died laughing. "OK, this is war." Martha said as she came in the room and started to hit both of us.

"What's going on up here." My other Best Friend (I have 3) Heather came in. "Oh, I gotta get in on this!" Soon Wendy came upstairs and we were all playing. We didn't even hear someone come up the steps. But we soon heard the laughter. We all stopped and looked up to find AJ bent over double.

"Has all of you gone crazy?" AJ laughed. He soon looked over and saw a face that he hadn't met, Heather. "Well, hello." AJ went over to her and took her hand. When he kissed it, I thought Heather was going to faint. "Who is this goddess?" AJ smiled not taking his eyes off of her.

"This is Heather. You'll be escorting her today." I said through a huge grin. "Heather, I assume you know who this is."

"Yeah. Hello AJ."

"I just thought I would come see what you girls are up to," he said not taking his eyes away from Heather. Everyone laughed except for AJ and Heather of course.

"What?" both of them said at the same time.

"Nothing" we answered causing a fit of laughter to erupt in the room.

"Hey Martha, Kev said for me to tell you hello." AJ smiled at Martha finally taking his eyes off of Heather. Martha blushed at the mention of Kevin's name. It was so cute!!

"Tell him I said Hello back," she blushed. The room again erupted in laughter. "What?" Martha looked around.


"I am so nervous. What if she changes her mind. What if she doesn't show up." Brian passed back and forth.

"Bri, Chill. Your beginning to act like AJ and that's scary. She loves you and you love her. Everything will be fine." Kevin smiled

"Where's Nick. I figured he would be here by now." Brian still paced.

"Hey fellas." Nick walked into the dressing room at the church. "How's everyone?"

"How can you be so calm!" Brian said still pacing.

"Ah, someone is a bit nervous I see." Nick laughed. "Don't worry, Bri. Everything is going to be fine."

"Easy for you to say." Brian said. Howie, Kevin and Nick burst into laughter.


Five Minutes before the Wedding

"AJ just asked me out." Heather jumped up and down.

"Who in here is surprised?" I said looking around the room at Wendy, Martha and Gerry. "No hands, hum, that must mean no ones surprised." I laughed. "I told you he liked you."

"I am so excited." Heather jumped up and down again.

"If you pass out at my wedding..I'm going to kill you." I said.

"Yeah and if she doesn't I will." Gerry laughed.

"I love you too guys." Heather sat down.

"You know we do." I smiled. I am so happy that AJ found someone who is as crazy about him as he is about her. They make the cutest couple. "Ahhh a minute, Let's go get in line guys."


All of the Brides Maids made it to the front of the church and it was my turn to go. The music picked up and the door reopened. I made my way to the front of the church slowly. I kept telling myself to be extra careful. I just knew I was going to be one of those Brides that ended up tripping on their dresses. But I made it to Brian with no mishaps.

"Wow, you look so beautiful." Brian whispered

"Thanks, you look great too." I whispered as Ger made her way up too.

"Hello, baby." Nick whispered.

"Nick, your gonna make me blush."

"Too late." He smiled


The wedding went off beautifully. The guest enjoyed themselves. The media got there pics and interviews with each of us and left the church. The greatest thing was who caught the garters and flowers. Wendy caught my flowers and Heather caught Ger's. AJ caught the garter Brian tossed and Howie caught the one Nick tossed.

"So guys, where are we going on our Honeymoon?" I said looking from Nick to Brian. "That's a surprise, Sweetie." Brian grinned

"Brian, you know I don't like surprises. Your just trying to drive me nuts aren't you?" I smiled

"Yep, I love to drive you nuts." He smiled and leaned over to kiss me.

"Nick, tell me. I wanna know where we are going too." Ger smiled.

"Just be patent. We'll leave soon." Nick kissed Ger.

"They're trying to drive us nut." I laughed.

The Eppy
BSB Fan Fic
