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Chapter 3- First Date

"Ang, I have nothing to wear!!" Gerry is so cute when she starts to freak out.

"What's wrong with what you are wearing? That's really cute." Gerry had on a red short sleeve shirt and a Black skirt. "Hey that's mine!"

"Like you don't steal my clothes!" Gerry yelled from inside her closet.

"Hurry up girl. There going to be here soon."


"Hey Nick, are you ready?"

"Yeah man. I'm so excited!" Nick bounced up and down, "I haven't been out in I don't know how long and college girls!"

"Geez Nick. Angel said her Sister was excited too but I am beginning to wonder if she knows what she's gotten into. Calm down." AJ Laughed.

"Really, She's excited too."

"Yep, so let's go already. Hey Nick, you mind driving your car too? I kinda was hoping for sometime alone with Angel."

"I gotcha. Nope I don't mind."

"Thanks, Kaos." AJ smiled. With that they were out the door of AJ's apartment.


"Hey AJ!" I smiled, "Where's Nick?" Just then a car pulled up behind AJ's and Nick jumped out.

"Man, I'm never following you again. Hi, by the look on AJ's face you must be Angel."

"That's right. Nice to meet you Nick."

"The pleasure is all mine." he took my hand and kissed it. AJ quickly shot Nick a look. I had to laugh.

"Well, come in. Gerry will be down in a minute. She's a bit of a SLOWPOKE."

"I heard that!" Nick and AJ laughed

"I'm ready." Gerry bound down the stairs.

"Wow!" Nick said with a big smile. AJ and I laughed and Gerry Blushed. "This way Milady" Nick held out his arm and Gerry quickly took it.

We all headed outside, AJ opened the car door for me and I got in. By the time we pulled out of the driveway, Nick and Gerry were way down the street. "He's trying to get me back for beating him here." AJ said as he stepped on the gas.

"Are you guys always this childish?" I grinned


"Enough said."

"By the way you look really beautiful in that blue dress." I blushed. Fifteen minutes later we were at the restaurant that AJ and I decided on yesterday. We had a wonderful meal and everyone had a great time talking but mostly joking. Nick had his arm around Gerry most of the time. The first time he put it there, I thought Gerry was going to scream with delight. They made the cutest couple.

"You all ready to go dancing?" AJ said.

"Yeah, Let's go." Nick jumped up. Gerry looked disappointed because he took his arm from around her. Nick must have noticed because he grabbed her had and whispered "Come on we'll bet them there." Gerry's smile went from ear to ear.

"What are you whispering, Nicky?" AJ looked a little concerned.

"Nothing, Bone. We leaving?"

"Yeah, right now I guess."

"Good." Nick and Gerry Ran out of the restaurant, hand in hand.

"Oh, so he's gonna play that way." AJ grinned "Let's go, they are going to try to beat us there." We got up and ran after them.


"We beat you again. Man your getting slow." Nick laughed as AJ and I walked up to the front of the club.

"Yeah but at least I don't cheat." AJ put Nick in a headlock.

"Children, children."I said laughing at the site those two made.

The doors of the club opened and the music washed over us, AJ released Nick and grabbed me saying, "Wanna dance? I love this song!"

"Is that a hint?"

We all went into the club, AJ and I danced while Nick and Gerry got a table and seemed to get lost in conversation. Nick and Gerry made the cutest couple. They got along at first site. It was really cute!!

By about the 6th consecutive song, I was starting to get tired. AJ noticed and we sat down with Nick and Gerry. They didn't even notice us setting down. AJ quickly looked at me and said, "I've seen that look before, Nicky has a crush."

"Yeah, from the look on her face, I'd say she does too." We laughed. "You wanna get out of here and give them some time to themselves. Well, us sometime alone too."

"Yeah, I thought you would never ask. Your place or mine?"

"Umm, I don't really care." I didn't. As long as I was with AJ I couldn't have cared where we were. I was really starting to like him.

"OK, I'll surprise you."

"Oh I love surprises."

Chapter 4
BSB Fan Fiction