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Chapter 4-All Alone

"Gee, How did I know it would be my place." I grinned

"Well I didn't think you would want to see the site of my apartment. Nick brings a tornado with him every time he visits me. Besides you said you didn't care." AJ looked a little nervous.

"I don't. I was kidding. It doesn't matter where we go." I smiled and AJ breathed a sigh of relief. He was nervous and I thought it was so cute. "So you want to watch a movie or something?" I said as we walked into my apartment and I turned on a single lamp by the couch.

"Sounds good. What movies do you have?"

"They're by the TV, in that rack. I'm going to change into a more comfortable outfit, be right back." With that I went upstairs and changed into sweatpants and a tanktop.

"Dang girl. How is it you look good in anything?"

"Yeah but you haven't seen me first thing in the Morning."

"No, but I'd like to." AJ mumbled

"What did you say? I couldn't understand you." I plopped down beside him on the couch.

"Oh it was nothing."

"Tell me or I'm going to have to tickle ya?" I smiled wiggling my fingers in front of AJ's face.

"You can try, but I'm not ticklish. I didn't say anything." AJ smiled like he had something to hide.

"All right you asked for it." I started tickling AJ. I got on top of him to tickling him better and he squirmed beneath me. "Not ticklish, Huh." I laughed.


"Your gonna what?"

"Get you" with that AJ tackled me and started tickling me till I lost my breath. I finally maneuvered to where I could grab his wrists. AJ was only an inch away, by the time I realized just how close we were, he leaned in and kissed me. The kisses became stronger and more passionate by the second. "I've wanted to do that all night." AJ breathed as he kissed my neck. All I could mange was a sigh of agreement. My hands were running up and down AJ's back. I wanted so much to take that shirt off but I came back to reality.

"AJ, Hun, Maybe we should slow things down a bit? I mean we just met and all."

"Yeah I guess your right. Sorry I just lost control." AJ got up and looked at the Movies, "Is Titanic all right?"

"Yeah, that's perfect." AJ sat back down on the couch and I snuggled up beside of him. Before the movie was even half way finished we were making out again. Just as things were getting really hot and heavy, the door open and in walked Gerry and Nick.

"Opps, sorry guys. We got tired." Gerry said as her face turned red.

"That's OK. I needed to get going anyway. Bye Angel." AJ gave me a quick kiss and was out the door.

"I guess I will see you tomorrow?" Nick smiled.

"Yeah, Bye." Nick leaned over and gave Ger a kiss and was out the door. "Sorry Angel, Ya mad at me?

"No, I'm glad you came home when you did. You have a good time?"

"Yeah, I had a great time. Nick is such a sweetie. Goodnight, Angel."

Chapter 5
BSB Fan Fiction
