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Chapter 6-Silent Declaration

"Why do I still feel like I am on tour?" AJ mumbled into his pillow.

"Don't be upset. AJ, your going to suffocate in there!" his head quickly came up and I reached over and kissed him lightly.

"All I ask is to spend some time alone with you. Is that to hard for them to understand?" AJ said with those cute brown puppy dog eyes.

"Poor, baby." I kissed him a little harder.

"Oh yeah, baby." He grinned and attacked me. I couldn't help but laugh. "Stop

"I---ca...n't" I said through laughter. AJ began to pout again so I started to fan my face with my hand. "OK" I took deep breaths. "I'm fine," just as AJ was about to kiss me the door flung open again.

"Bone, you really should get drinks in this place. I couldn't find a one."

"Ahhhhhh" AJ screamed. I just laid there dying laughing. Brian knew exactly what he was doing. AJ got up and stomped out of the bedroom.

"What's up with him?" Brian smiled as he sat down beside me on the bed.

"I have no clue." I laughed. Brian and I started to chat and we found out we had lots in common. One of which was we both loved basketball. So we decided to meet the next day with Nick and Gerry. "We can have a little friendly game of 2 on 2."

"Sounds like a plan. I'm going to go or AJ is going to kill me. Plus I have more fun to have with Nick and your sister. What's the address?" His smile was so big I couldn't help but laugh. I told him where I lived and he left. I yelled down the hallway good-bye and that I would see him tomorrow.

"It's about time. What are you meeting Brian for tomorrow?" AJ jumped back beside of me.

"We are going to go play basketball. You have any other visitors planned?" I grinned.

"Not a one, Plus I looked the door." He grinned wickedly.

"Good Idea."

We started making out again. I started to get tired so I laid my head down on AJ's chest as he rubbed my head. I quickly fell asleep. When AJ knew I was asleep he wrapped his arms around me and whisper in my ear, "I love you." He went to sleep with his arms around me.

Chapter 7
BSB Fan Fiction
