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Chapter 7-Fun and Games

I felt so warm and snugly in AJ's arms, but when I started to go back to sleep panic hit me. I jerked out of bed, which caused AJ to moan in protest. "Oh my God! AJ, what time is it?"

"Time for you to snuggle back down with me," he said putting his arms around me and pulling me back down with him. He did all of this without opening his eyes.

"AJ, hun, I promised Brian I would play basketball with him, Nick and Gerry."

"You don't have to. You could say you forgot. I'm sure they wouldn't care."

"That's not he point. I don't break promises just like that, and I promised."

"I know but.."

"I have to get ready to go. Brian said he was going to pick me up here. How he knew I would end up staying here I don't know."

"I'll let you up on one condition."

"What's that?"

"Well, actually two," he grinned. "One you have to kick Brian's butt and two, give me a kiss."

"Two, I can do but I am not sure about one.." I gave him a quick kiss.

"Then you can't go." AJ held me close and refused to let me up.

"I don't have any clean clothes to wear today, I didn't exactly play to stay."

"You can wear some of mine."

"AJ," kissing him in between words "please let me up. I promise not to be gone long. On game should take only about and hour."

"OK" he released me but gave me the biggest puppy dog eyes.

"Oh don't do that to me. The sooner I get dressed the more time I can spend with you.

AJ jumped off the bed and scrambled through some clothes in a drawer. "OK he you go." He threw some clothing at me. "You can change in here if you want." AJ smiled wickedly

"Only if you aren't in here." I smiled back.

"Shot, it was worth a try." AJ smiled as he left the room, closing the door behind him. I was about to take my shirt off when the door came open with AJ grinning.

"Alexander James McLean! Out!"

"Darn it. Can't a guy have any fun" This time when he closed the door I locked it. A few seconds later I heard the doorknob rattle and AJ saying "Ah, honey don't you trust me."

"Not a bit." I laughed. "Two more seconds and you can come in." I quickly finished dressing and said "You can come in." Nothing. "AJ, you can come in." There was still nothing. I walked to the door and opened in. "AJ?" He jumped right in front of the door scaring me to death.

"Gotcha" he grabbed me and twirled me around in hallway.

"You dumb butt. You scared me to death." AJ began to pout again sticking his bottom lip out. "You know you are really getting good at this pouting puppy dog thing."

"I had lots of practice with my mom." He grinned "You want something to eat before you go? I think I have some cereal, I think?"

"Sounds good." AJ continued to carry me into the kitchen. "Am I ever going to get to walk again?" I laughed and kissed him on the check.


"Hey, you guys ready to go pick Angel up?" Brian yelled up the stairs.

" Yeah, we'll be there in a minute, Frick."

"Sure you will." Brian thought to himself. "They have been saying that the last 15 minutes."

"What's taking so long?" the only response he got was laughter. "I didn't think that was a funny question."

Finally Nick and Gerry came down the stairs. Nick's arm was around Gerry's waist. "We're ready."

"Good now let's break the other two up." Brian grinned as they all went out the door and into Brian's Jeep. When they got there, they all went to get Angel.

"Hey Nick."


"You got a key?" Brian had a smile on his face that made Gerry laugh. She knew what he was up to.

"Yep, I sure do." Nick dug in his pocket and pulled out a single key.

"Ready or not, Here we come." Everyone yelled together.

Brian unlocked the door and Brian and Nick pounced inside with Gerry behind them. "Ah, Dang. They're only eating." Brian said completely disappointed.

AJ laughed when he realized what Brian wanted to do. "Not this time Brian."

"I'll be back soon." I said as I kissed AJ good-bye. We ignored the Ahh's behind us.


Gerry and Nick sat in the back while I sat up front with Brian. It only took us about ten minutes to get to an outside Basketball court. "OK, Nick and me against you two." Brian said the second he was out of the car.

"That's not fair." Gerry complained.

"Come on little sis, let's kick some butt."

Brian got the ball and handed it of the Nick. Nick immediately scored do to Gerry not even guarding him. They started kissing right in the middle of the court. Brian yelled "Frack, Frack. Later, K?"

"Ah, Brian." Both of them complained The game went on and the guys were beating us bad. Gerry and I decided we were going to start playing dirty. At one point in the game, Ger mumbled something to Nick and he just gave her the ball.

"Nick, What did you do that for?" Nick just grinned ignoring his best friend. The guys just needed one more shot to win. Brian had the ball so I ran right up to him, well a little too fast. He tripped and fell on top of me. "Sorry, Ang."

"That's OK. No harm done."

He looked me in my eyes and all of a sudden kissed me. I was in shock and I think Nick and Gerry were too. Brian said sorry one more time before getting up.

I couldn't say anything. I kept going over and over in my head why that happened? I couldn't come up with a thing. Worst of all, why didn't I pull back? Why did I let him kiss me? Why did I kiss him back?

I need to leave," was the only thing I could think of to say in order to break the silence. "I promised AJ I wouldn't be long."

"I'll take you back." Brian said as he went to gather his stuff on a nearby bleacher.

"What just happened?" Gerry asked Nick as Brian and I drove away.

"I don't know but I have an idea." Nick smiled. "AJ sure as heck isn't going to like it. Not one bit."

Chapter 8
BSB Fan Fiction
