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Chapter 8-Do I or Don't I?

Brian and I sat in silence the whole way back to AJ's apartment. I know it only took ten minutes to get there but it seemed so much longer and very akward.

Brian was first to speak when we got to AJ's. "I don't think we should tell AJ what happened." he sighed. "I'm really sorry. I don't know what came over me? I mean I like you and all, but I know that you are AJ's girl."

"I don't think we should tell AJ either. I like AJ but I think I like you too. I mean I like you but I don't know if I like you, like you."

Brian interupted, "I know what you are saying, relax."

"Oh this is so confusing." I put my hand on my head "I don't know what to do. I do know that AJ can never find out what happened today. Never." We both stared straight a head not knowing what to do or what to say. "We I guess I should go in." I said to break the silence.

"Yeah, I guess I'll see you later."

"Yeah, bye," I said as I got out of the Jeep. I kept thinking in my head, "I can't be here right now. I just need some space." I was getting sicker by the second.

"Hey Babe, your back early. Not that I am complaining." AJ wrapped his arms around me. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not feeling good. Do you think you could take me home?"

"Yeah," AJ frowned "is there anything I can do for you?"

"No, I just need to go home. Don't worry."

"Ok, well let*s get you home."


It took some convincing, but AJ left me alone for a while. He did promise to check up on me. AJ is so sweet, how can I do this to him. I took a shower to help my nerves. It worked great until I started thinking of Brian and then AJ. I felt so confused. How do I feel about Brian? Where's Gerry? She can help me. Wendy normally would be good help but she was in Florida. I have to get my mind off of this.

I went to the kitchen and fixed a bowl of Ice Cream and I popped in Top Gun. By the middle of the movie, Nick and Gerry walked in the door. Well they sort of did. They were kissing, Again. Since the moment they met, they haven't spent 2 hours apart from each other.

I cleared my throat to let them know that another person was in the room. "What are you doing here? I thought you would be with AJ?" Gerry said the second she noticed me.

"Well I kind a need to talk to you about that."

"What happened? Did you all get in a fight?"

"No, he doesn't know anything about, mmm, that. Nick, I'm sorry but can I borrow here for 10 minutes?"

"Sure, I'll go grab some clothes from AJ's and I will be back. I promise not to say a word."

"Thanks Nick." I gave him a big hug.

"Anything for Gerry." When he was outside he whispered, "and for Brian."

"Gerry, I don't know what to do. I like AJ a lot but I don't know how I feel about Brian."

"Well, what do you and AJ talk about verses what you and Brian talk about? Comunication can be a big key."

"Well AJ and I don't really talk a lot. We have more of a physical relationship." Gerry raised her eyebrows. "No, no, no. Nothing like that. We are either in class, watching TV or making out. But with Brian, well I can talk about anything. We joke and stuff, but I do that with AJ too. I don't know."

"I think you need to take a nap. We can talk more when you wake up."

"Ok," I went upstair and layed my head down on my pillow. I was out in about 5 seconds.

Chapter 9
BSB Fan Fiction
