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Chapter 9

When I woke up around 8:30 there was a note on my bed stand. The note read:

My Dear Angel,

Meet me at 10. The Riverside Hotel room 216.

Love Always,


I knew I had to meet him, I didn't want him to think that any thing was even the slightest bit wrong. I went down stairs to see if Nick and Gerry were still here. Gerry was on the couch but there was no sign of Nick. "Gerry, I'm supposed to meet AJ at 10. I don't know when I will be back. I know now that I have to stay with AJ. It's only fair to him."

"But what's fair to you?"

"I can't think of that now. I'll be back." I ran upstairs to change and get ready.

Gerry ran to the phone and pressed speed dial 1. "Nick, things are working out on this end. How about you?" She paused. "Great. She is going to kill me. She's coming back got to go. Love ya." Gerry ran and plopped on the couch before I could see her on the phone. "Are you sure this is what you want?"

"It isn't about what I want. It's about what's right to AJ."

"Well, good luck." Gerry said as I made my way out the door. When Gerry heard me start my car she said," Or should I say that to Brian?"


I was running late. I am always running late. I shouldn't have changed fifty times. I ran in the lobby. "Where is room 216?" I asked the receptionist.

"Are you Angel?"

"Yeah....Why?" I looked at her a little strange.

"I have a message for you," she dug around on the desk. "Ah, here it is," she handed the note to me.


Change of plans. Go to the Penthouse. I'll be back soon. There is another note on the mirror. Be back soon.

Love Always,


"Good. I'm not late." I mumbled to myself.

"This man will take you to the Penthouse." The receptionist pointed to an older gentleman. We got in the elevator and went all the way to the top of the Hotel's 29 floors. When the doors opened there was only one door in front of me. The man unlocked it and went back to the elevator.

"Thank you." I yelled back to him and went inside. It was the biggest room I have ever seen. I immediately went to the mirror. The note was there just as the note downstairs had said.

Going to be a while. Take a bath if you'd like.

Love Always,


"I already had a shower but a bath does sound good." I decided to do it. In the bathroom there were lots of little bubble baths and bath salts. "He's so sweet. I made the right choice,"


"Nick why do I have to stay here tonight?" Brian said looking at Nick confused.

"Because It'll be good for you. Help keep your mind off of today..."

"You mean Angel." Brian said sadly.

"Well, yes---"

"Nick it's OK. You don't have to tip toe around her name. I'll be OK."

"If you need to talk you know I am here for you."

"Yeah, I know."

"Hey I'll walk you upstair..but I think I am going to go see Gerry. Here this is from Gerry. Read it when you get inside. K?"

"OK----" Brian looked a little confused.

"Here you go. I'll see ya in a bit." Nick unlocked the door and took off for the elevator.

"Wait, I need a key!" Brian yelled after Nick.

"I'll be right back."

Brian went inside and shut the door. A guard appeared and Nick came back. The guard detached the doorknob.

"Thanks, Eric" Nick smiled

"No Problem. I'm use to you guys doing weird stuff. They won't be getting out and that is a promise." Nick smiled and headed for the elevator again.

Chapter 10
BSB Fan Fiction
