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Shag Me Kevin Campaign Headquarters

Disclaimer - I, Jessica ______ of the Shag Me Kevin Campaign am not related to Kevin Scott Richardson of the Backstreet Boys or any of the Backstreet Boys in any way. This entire campaign and site is intended as a joke. Myself and those who choose to put my banner on their web pages know that Kevin Richardson does have a life. We do know that Kevin Richardson will not have sex with anyone who puts up this banner on their site. This is just a joke that intends no harm to Kevin Richardson or anyone that may be offended by this site's content. To those of you who are offended, I'm deeply sorry, but as I said this site is only a joke to be taken lightly. Now that the disclaimer's over, have fun.

What's up? In case you give a damn, my name's Jessica and I'm the "genius" behind this Kevin campaign. I decided that there were too many "Let Kevin Sing" campaigns out there. Anyway, he does sing, so obviously the demands were heard. Now it's time for something new. The Shag Me Kevin Campaign has finally come. I know it's pretty sick but come on, how many of you have looked at Kevin sometimes and haven't thought Man, I want a piece of that?! If you never thought that, then let me help you....

Exhitit A. - Kevin showing his romantic side.

Now, ain't that sweet? Now let's move on to exhibit B.

Exhibit B. - Kevin and AJ comparing their muscles. hehe

Well, ignore the one on the right. I'm talking about the one with the muscular arm, Kevin. Anyway, let's move on to better pictures.

Exhibit C. - Kevin without his top.

This evidence clearly displays Kevin's upper body, and many of you agree that's one mother fuckin' damn fine body.

Exhibit D. - Kevin without his top, and now he's wet!

How many of you still think you wouldn't screw Kevin? I think this evidence is enough proof.

Exhibit E. - A Picture of Kevin Possibly Naked

Well obviously you can't tell if he's naked. But the magazine it came from didn't show anything below the waist. Also, his waist is visible and notice how you don't see any underwear or pants there. A mystery to be solved.

But just in case you didn't believe me, here are what I call the three pictures that can make anyone wanna shag/screw/fuck/make "love" to/have sex with Kevin.

Exhibit XXX. - Hehe. I wish it was actually XXX, but hey it's good enough.





By the way, many of you have probably seen these pics, but it doesn't matter, they are still hot!



Well, this is one kick ass picture of Kevin if I do say so myself. Well, now to the next part of Exhibit XXX.




Annoying ain't it?







The only reason this pic made it is because even though his face is messed up and he's actually fully clothed (something rare on this page) his action speak very loudly here. You can almost here them saying "Come To Me." Damn, I am so bored! LMAO. It's amazing how pitiful I get when I've got nothing to do in the summer. Anyway, enough chit chat. To the final frontier, a place Kevin fans dare not to comment on!

















This one's worth the wait, even if you've seen it.












Almost there!









Now, to all you people that say the BSB have no balls, there's the proof. Kevin's got them and I'm sure they are in perfect working order. I've seen tons of sites that say this pic speaks for itself. It does, but I'm bored so I'll speak for it. All I can say is, wow! Well, I can say that and also, Kevin's huge! Also, what the hell was he thinking when he took the pic? He had to feel it. I guess he just loves teasing us all. This is the classic picture that makes people that HATE Kevin wanna screw him, just to see what it's like.

Well, ladies and (hopefully not) gentlemen of the jury, if you agree with none/some/most/all of the stuff I have said, then do this.... if you have a page, humor OR/AND regular fan page of anybody, put my html on your site and email me to tell me. Jive obviously took our advice on letting him sing. Maybe they'll listen to us again! Here's the html:

(center) (a href="") (img src="")(/a)(/center)

Don't forget to change all the () to <>



By the way, if any of you decide to join don't forget to e mail me! Also, if you've got comments or anything like I said email me.

Well, I've gotten such nice feedback from some of you that I decided to do a humor page! If you wanna stay up to date on my pretty little project, join my mailing list!

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