Chapter 4


“Alright Jenny.  Do you want something to eat?  Of course you do.  It’s dinner time,” Brian asked, knowing he wouldn’t get an answer.  He picked up the little plastic spoon and scooped up some of the mush.

“Mmmm!  Yummy!  Beans!  BEANS?!?!?” Brian yelled looking at the label.  “Who would feed their poor child beans?”

“Just give her some Brian.  Maybe she likes it,” Nick sighed, wanting to get this over with.  Brian nodded and brought the food to her mouth.  He cringed as she opened up and closed over the spoon.  Brian pulled the utensil out of her mouth, as they all watched her for a minute.  Nothing.

“Yeah!!!  She likes it!!”  Brian cheered, turning back to the baby.  He spoke too soon.  Suddenly she puckered her lips up and spit out the food in Brian’s face.  AJ and Nick cracked up laughing as Brian grumbled taking a rag and cleaning himself off.

“Let me try,” AJ offered, getting up and trading places with Brian.  He picked up another jar, and read the label.

“Maybe she likes peaches.”  He opened the lid and stuck the spoon in the jar after Brian had wiped it off.  Taking the spoon out, he brought it to her mouth.  She wouldn’t open up.  He sighed.

“C’mon sweetie!  How about peaches!  Everyone likes peaches!”

Jenny scrunched her face up and moved her head away.

“Try the airplane thing,” Brian suggested.  “That always works in movies.”

AJ looked at Brian for a few seconds and shrugged deciding to try anything.

“Here comes the airplane!  Open up for the yummies!”  AJ said, making airplane noises, moving the spoon around in the air then towards her.  Jenny giggled, but didn’t make any moves to open her mouth.  AJ tried gently pushing the spoon on her closed lips, thinking it would force her to open.  Didn’t work.

“I give up!” he cried, setting the jar back on the table.  Nick got up and moved AJ out of the way.  He took his seat and picked up yet another flavor.  After unscrewing the lid, he took some out, and stuck the spoon into his own mouth.

“What are you doing?  You’re supposed to be feeding her, not yourself!” Brian exclaimed.  Nick stuck his hand up, telling him to watch.

“Mmm!  That’s good!  How about you have some too?” Nick cooed, bringing the full spoon to her mouth.  She gladly accepted the food, and after swallowing, opened her mouth again, showing she wanted more.  Nick smiled and started feeding her.  Brian and AJ watched, wide-eyed.  Jenny giggled every once in a while at the funny faces Nick was making.  Once he was done, he picked up her little bib, and wiped her face.  Then he brought her into the living room to feed her one of the bottles.

“Wait, I wanna see if maybe she’ll at least let me feed her the bottle,” AJ said, reaching out for her.  Nick handed Jenny over, and took a seat on the couch.  He laid her down in his arms and brought the bottle to her mouth.  She opened up and started sucking up the milk.  After a few seconds, AJ pulled the bottle away to see if she was drinking any.  She sat there for a moment, and spit at him.

“Hey!” AJ yelled.  Jenny laughed, and managed to grab the bottle from AJ’s hands while he was wiping up his face.  She pointed the tip up, and squeezed, making milk squirt up at AJ.  He looked down when he felt something wet against his shirt.

“What are you doing?” he asked, taking the bottle from her hands.  Nick and Brian were laughing their heads off.  AJ mumbled something under his breath, and handed her over to Brian.  He shook his head, and passed her to Nick.  Nick took the bottle from AJ and started to feed her with no problems.

“HOLD UP!!” AJ yelled.  “How come you can make her stop crying AND feed her and me and B can’t do anything?”

Nick smiled and shrugged, putting the baby on the blanket that was still on the floor after she was finished.

“So, what do we do now?” Nick asked, watching Jenny play with one of her dolls.

“She still needs a bath and then that’s it,” Brian answered, scratching his head thoughtfully.

“Aw man!” AJ moaned.  “Look how the changing and feeding went!  How do you think the bath is going to go!"

Chapter 5
Julia's Stories