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~Testimonies Of Abused Women~

i was married to a abuse man i stayed with him for many years i th0ught he was gods gift he would go out on me then come home and beat me real bad i still stayed 'UNTIL i walked in on him and my 4 year old daughter; IT broke my heart i had to help my baby'i had 4 children all but one was sexualey abused. Dont think they will tell' we were all very, very, close 'not one tould.i pressed charges on him; he went to jail for 6 mounts, my babies were scared for life. HE got out of jail and died in a car reck.

MY kids still have night mares,THEY are all growen and have children of their own,And now grandma trust no one .no not even their dads, So if they tell you how much you mean to them and they will change and you have tried,

PLEASE,PLEASE,FOR GOD;S SAKE GET OUT BEFORE' something bad happens to you and your children;

BELIVE me it wont change'''''i know ''''i've been there''''


I was 21 years old. I met a guy who I thought was sweet, caring and romantic. I fell in love with him. I should have realized the type of person he really was when he pushed me down the stairs.

I guess i was more in shock and sisn't realize just how bad it was going to get. about seven months later I got pregnant, we were oth happy. Untill he started going out every night and coming home the next day. But remeber I was pregnant. I wanted my child to have a father. The first time he hit me I wasabout 2 months pregnant, all because I told hime that I had no moey to give him and thatI felt he should stay home. He hit me several times after that, we were evictd from our apt, and had to move in with my mother until the last month of my pregnancy. We found an apartment, he was still hanging out almost every night. Then our duaghter was born the hitting stop for awhle but then it started again. Only because I would tell him he had to take care of his responsibilites. The we got evicted from that apartment too. We moved back to my mother's but this time she had moved. He was still hitting me. He said it was because of my "attitude"

Then I got pregnant again. Had my 2nd daughter. But of course he still hit. All this time he was also cheatig on me. I remeber one time he hit me with a trophie across my back. Then He pulled a knife on me not once but twice. He's chocked me, bit me, pulled myhair out, bashed my head against the wall, Towards the end he decided to move his girlfriend in. But I finally had enough. i had to get away.

So I moved out of state with my 2 children, filed a restraining order in the state that i live in. I'm currently staying with my father, but in the 2 moths that I've been here, I'm working (temp), I bought a car, and got my drivers license. My 29th B-day is coming up in about 2wks and I'm going to celebrate

. I have a lot to celebrate about. My children are doing well. I also have a male friend who is ther for me and listens to me and ecourages me, tells me positive things and tells me that I'm worth more than life itself, I'm also seeking counceling on an individule and gruop basis. So are my children. As for him my mother pressed charges on him for aggravated harrasment. He will be sentenced this week.

And that is my story. I am a survivor.

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Second Page Of Testimonies

( Read the TRUE stories of abused women, and their children's Mental Abuse, Physical Abuse, and Sexual Abuse )

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