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~Testimonies Of Abused Women~

I was in a relationship with a man for over 2 years who I thought was the greatest. In the beginning he was so caring, romantic, very handsome and just a joy to be around. Within in 6 months I began the worst nightmare of my life. He became very possessive, controlling and the physical abuse started with hair pulling on night. He was very jealous and we couldn't even go out without a fight breaking out. Then of course we'd get home and he's start pushing me around. It got to where I was a prisoner of my own house. Not allowed to leave anywhere alone, not even to the store. He got worse as time went by. No longer going anywhere it became things like a wrong look or a few dishes in the sink. I just couldn't do anything right or so he constantly told me. This was from 1994 to 1996. I was in the middle of my divorce when I met this man and he told me all the things I was longing to hear..Boy how vulnerable can one be.

Time went on and he found a drug called Meth that took over his life and the violence got worse. I'm not a drinker or one who uses drugs at all. So he's slap me, pull my hair, put a gun to my head and he called me a cop. Well, I'm not a cop, but a nurse and I tried with all my might to get him the help he needed, but of course he had no problem..

One night he came in blasted on who knows what...I was upset and went into our spare room, he came in and basically I had black and blue marks all over my body including my neck. At one point I came to and he was breathing the life back into me to say he loved me and he was sorry..The next day, he looked at me and said "what the hell happened to you?" I tried to tell him and he said no way someone else must of done that to you..I really couldn't believe someone could forget a thing like this so easily. He made me go with him that day. He was a catering jeweler and we traveled. Well, I wasn't about to go in looking like that and the more I sat there in my Van, the sadder I got the tears just wouldn't stop..All I wanted was to break the cycle and I knew alone it couldn't happen. From where I don't know, but I finally drove the van straight to the police station and asked for help. They went out, found him and arrested him o Felony Assault & Battery...He spent 45 days in Jail..Had some counselling and was let out with the condition NO MORE VIOLENT CONTACT what so ever or he'd go to Prison...Ok...I worked some when he was in jail, but once he got out wasn't allowed to. Hmmmm. Back to same old controlling guy. The physical, mental and emotional abuse continued. He was Jailed in May and was out in July.

We stayed together, but my eyes were opening. I was stuck..No family, no friends, no money...I felt like I was in Prison. It was a day in August I took him back to court for another matter he got himself into, that he raised his fist at me cause he was late..I told him OH NO you can't threaten me in that manner anymore and if you do I'll be sure judge knows. WOW....was he longer able to make me wince and back down. He said oh great you think you have your thumb on me don't you...and he left out of the van. Well, he disappeared and for 3 days I looked for him in 105 degree weather. More worried at him instead of me. You see I have Lupus and was pretty ill during this time of my life. Became dependent instead of the independent woman that I've always been ..

I ended up in the hospital after realizing I felt horrible and had smacked a pole at the gas station denting my Van. Had double vision, a migraine and just felt like I was gonna die. Well, it was dehydration, heat exhaustion, kidney infection and a Lupus flare. After a day I got a phone call..I called his mother to tell her to tell him if she saw him. Well, he thought it was a trap.He said I wasn't in the hospital and he thought he was going to prison for raising his fist at me. Well, several days in the hospital gave me time to gather a little sense. I got out and for 6 more hours looked for him. I emotionally was exhausted and felt my wold was ending. I owned a small gun and sat in a phone booth with the gun in my mouth..This is not me. I called for help again and a cop came to talk with me. I could of ended up in the nut house, but this cop was a very understanding guy. He took my gun and said in 3 days I could reclaim in. I never did.

I almost lost myself that day and finally realized I needed to leave for good. I got a trailer and went and packed up personal belongings and off I went crying all the way out of the state...It was 10 days later I received a call from his mother. He had gone nuts looking for me and said he was just trying to teach me a lesson. He really never thought I'd leave. You see these type of people want full control and beat you down to where you have no self esteem and eventually you are their possession, their punching bag and despite the fact LOVE is there, because the abuse happens usually after you've fallen head over heals in love with them. The I'm sorries, flowers, gifts and promises are just ways for more time cause they don't want to be alone to start the process all over again.

Well, the phone call was to tell me he had been killed. He was killed August 16, 1999. Exactly 10 days after I left him. He was shot in the head by the LAPD. He was high on drugs and alcohol. The police said they couldn't find me and worried about me when they ran a check on him and seen was his last charge was. They broke open his trunk afraid I was in there. I really could of been.

The next time I was even close to him was at his funeral standing next to a closed casket. I just thought to myself....That could of been me... I did love the man, but Love can't end the violence. You have to get out ASAP..If these people who abuse really want to change let them change first..Don't be a punching bag for anyone.


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( Read the TRUE stories of abused women, and their children's Mental Abuse, Physical Abuse, and Sexual Abuse )

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