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Whatever else you may decide to do, one thing that many victims of domestic violence find helpful is making a safety plan.

You can make one yourself or you can call your local domestic violence program and ask them to help you think through a plan.

If you decide to write out a safety plan, be sure to keep it in a place where your partner can't find it.

Safety plans can be made for a variety of different situations - for dealing with an emergency such as when a physical assault occurs, for continuing to live with a partner who has been abusive, for continuing to date a partner who has been abusive, or for protecting yourself after you have ended a relationship with an abusive partner.

Whether you are with your partner or have ended the relationship, whether or not you have used the court system whether or not you have ever called the police, there are certain things that are helpful to consider in planning for your future safety.


Where can I keep important phone numbers (police, hotline, friends, shelter) for yourself and your children?

Is there anyone I can ask to call the police it they hear suspicious noises coming from my house or apartment?

If I need to get out of my house or apartment in a hurry, what door, window, elevator or stairwell will I be able to use in order to get out safely?

If I need a place to stay for a while, where can I go? Can I arrange to stay with family or friends in a crisis?

Do I know how to contact the local domestic violence program in order to arrange for emergency shelter?

Where can I keep your purse, car keys and some change to make a phone call so that I can grab them quickly?

Does my children know how to use the telephone to contact the police?

Is there a code word I can use with friends, family and/or my children to alert them to call for help?

Can I keep some money, some changes of clothes and important papers hidden somewhere my partner doesn't know about, but that I can get to quickly?

Can I keep the "escape bag" with a neighbor or in the trunk of the car?

If you think you and your partner are about to have an argument, how can you get to a room where there are fewer things that can be used as weapons? How can you avoid getting trapped in the kitchen, bathroom, basement or garage?

You need to be prepared! Take this list, and prepare yourself, and your Children!


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