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The Class of 1973, from Highlands High School Fort Thomas Kentucky

The Class of 1973, from Highlands High School

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The 1973 class of HHS is holding it's 25 year reunion
September 4&5, 1998.


Friday Afternoon:
Golf at Highland Country Club. Contact Greg Grimme 781-2665(Separate Cost)

Friday Evening (7:00):
Party at Bill & Amy Fennells', HHS Football game and back to Fennells'.

Saturday Evening (6:30):
Dinner & Dancing at the Country Club

The deadline is past...but you are still welcome so GET YOU MONEY IN!

Make checks payable and mail to:

Peggy Horner
11 Covert Place
Fort Thomas,KY. 41075

Contact one of the following for more information:

Click on the name to Email:

Milt & Peggy Horner

Dolly Lickert

David Rawlings

Or do it the old fashioned way and pick up the phone:

Bill Fennell 441-7633
Milt & Peggy Horner 441-9419
Dolly Lickert 781-4520
David Rawlings 781-8002
Jill Steller 781-5845

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