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Rules of Thumb

Everyone, whether consciously or not, has developed a set of rules. These general rules help us make what we hope are good decisions. Like everyone else, my rules of thumb have developed from experience. If you would like to add your rule or rules of thumb, then e-mail them to me and I'll add them to this list. I will include your name if you'd like.

* If everyone says that it tastes "just like chicken," then order the chicken.
* Don't trust anyone who conspicuously displays awards, certificates, and diplomas. They tend to be "glory hounds."
* If you can't support it, then you can't use it.
* You just have to be smarter than the (insert your word of choice here). Example: You just have to be smarter than the chair.
* If it was ugly the first time you saw it, then it's doubtful that it will get any better looking.
* Don't eat at a restaurant named Captain anything. Chances are, he's not a captain which calls the food into question.
*Don't eat anything that the cook won't eat.
* Your behavior and words can influence your psychological state.
* View yourself as an independent contractor - not as an employee. It's a nice psychological advantage.
* If she says "no" - believe it.
*Respect, discipline, and desire are the keys to success.
* If it's marked "Fresh" on the can, don't buy it.
* Don't eat in a restaurant that needs a security guard.
* White shirts are stain magnets. If you wear a white shirt to a restaurant, then you're bound to stain it with ketchup, mustard, sauce, a drink, or whatever.