My Notebook

Hello and welcome to my notebook. I will put stuff here that I can't put anywhere else. My thoughts are going to be in here, jokes, poetry, stuff i collect, etc. Just a place for me.

I draw doodles in class and then I though......Why not scan the doodles and put it my "Notebook" and that's where this page came from.

Here is a doodle of one of my buddies
Guess Who?

Ok, here goes.............this was written in my yearbook...........

In the start,
Albert would never bring anything to school but pop tarts.
And David would just sit and stare,
At nothing but plain old air.
But that's besides the point,
Everyone has elbows and joints.
There is none we can really blame.
We've had our fights that no one but us could mend.
That is when I knew our friendship would never come to an end.
Remember our class trip?
Everybody started to flip.
You flipped the most
And then you started to boast.
But remember, I will always say,
"I'm just kidding Kay!"
Then we would would get mad, and then make up again.

Want to meet some of my friends???
You will be able to pretty soon. Come back soon.

This is the section I put things from school here.

For example: Who won the football game? I hope it's AHSBROOK. Why you ask AHSBROOK ? BECAUSE THAT'S THE SCHOOL THAT I GO TO!!!Get it now???

First Home Game: August 21, 1998
Ashbrook vs. Providence
Ashbrook 26
Providence 0


Here is where I'm going to write phrases in different languages, I hope you have a converter on your computer.

Here's an example, it's in Russian:

Меня зовут Ксения.

What does it say? Well........
It says my name is Kseniya, as simple as that