Amanda's Home Page
Amanda is Angela's older sister. They are 13 months apart. They have a lot of the same interest. She has some interesting links. Sign her guestbook
A picture of Amanda and Angela
Joel's Home Page
Joel is one of my ICQ friends. He is a true gentlemen if any of the ladies are looking for one. Joel is a big fan of Quake 2. He just started his web page but I believe that it is mainly dedicated to Quake 2.
Live Golf
This link is really awesome. You can play a round a golf all by yourself or with up to 3 other friend. While playing golf you can also chat. It is really cool. You should check it out.
A really Cool 80's Link
I found this site the other day and I thought it was really neat. It had a lot of old memories in it. I love the 80's....the music, the movies, the TV shows....I just loved it.
I stumbled on this site the other day. Not only can you chat with all different types of people you can also play games against them. If you have a mic then you can talk back and forth to each other. It only take a few minutes to download and then you are ready to play.