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Clint's Home Page

Clint is my wonderful husband. He decided to tackle his own web page..It is far from finished.. I can't even say that it is orgaized yet. Be a good sport and go look at it. His page is full of manly topics about hunting and fishing.

Angela's Home Page

Angela is my cousin. She is 15 and is real active in church. Her web page is all about her and her different interest. You will really enjoy her page. it is full of music and pictures. Don't forget to sign her guestbook.

Amanda's Home Page

Amanda is Angela's older sister. They are 13 months apart. They have a lot of the same interest. She has some interesting links. Sign her guestbook

A picture of Amanda and Angela

Joel's Home Page

Joel is one of my ICQ friends. He is a true gentlemen if any of the ladies are looking for one. Joel is a big fan of Quake 2. He just started his web page but I believe that it is mainly dedicated to Quake 2.

Live Golf

This link is really awesome. You can play a round a golf all by yourself or with up to 3 other friend. While playing golf you can also chat. It is really cool. You should check it out.

A really Cool 80's Link

I found this site the other day and I thought it was really neat. It had a lot of old memories in it. I love the 80's....the music, the movies, the TV shows....I just loved it.


I stumbled on this site the other day. Not only can you chat with all different types of people you can also play games against them. If you have a mic then you can talk back and forth to each other. It only take a few minutes to download and then you are ready to play.

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