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As you read previously on the other page....I found out that we are having a baby. Well this is my first child, so like everyone else I decide to do some research. I looked up many topics on the internet from conception to birth. I read all the good stuff and the bad stuff. I've always wanted a baby so I keep trying to do everything possible to have a healthy baby. I try to eat right, lots of prayer, not a lot of strenuous activities. Finally after 17 weeks I start feeling a small knocking on my stomach. You actually feel like you are finally accomplishing something. It is the most wonderful feeling you can have. Well the internet has a lot of interesting places to look up research. I found one sight that gives you month to month information about the changes your baby is going through. It has interesting books that you can read to help understand even more about what is going on. If you would like to visit this site just hit the link underneath.


I found another informative site about pregnancy. At this site you see a week to week picture about what the baby looks like. It's pretty neat. Check it out.

Another Baby site

I went to the Doctor Wednesday, August 19th. I got my second ultrasound done. I got to see my baby really up close. The whole time we were at the doctors office she just kept squirming around. She liked sticking here feet up in front of the camera. I have a picture just of her feet. I'll put that pic on this page as soon as I can. We also watched her have the hiccups. She kept moving her little lips, stretching her arms and kicking her legs the whole time we were there. I cant wait until December to see her.

I went for my last ultrasound the beginning of November. They definately confirmed that we were having a little girl. A very big girl!! At the rate she is going she will be atleast 8lbs. That's good for her but Im not sure about me. We had her last ultrasound video taped. It's really neat to sit and watch her over and over again. You can see all the detail about her face and things. Im real curious as to what she will look like.

If you would like to see the ultrasound pictures of our little girl you can visit our link.

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