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I would like for everyone to welcome the newest member of our family. His name is Skipper. He is a Schipperke. If you want information about the Schipperke, in my link under breeds, he is in the non-sporting group.

Info about AKC Breeds

My little Skipper is so amazing. When I first received him I took him to the vet to make sure everything was OK with him. When we were at the vet everything checked out OK. I told the vet that he itches constantly and that I can't get him to stop. Well we put flea repellent on him thinking that he was going to be ok now. That next week I had to take him back to the vet for his boosters. I told the vet that he was STILL itching. Well the vet looked him over and couldn't find anything so he gave him some medicine just incase he had a bacterial infection. By Thursday my dog was bald. I called my vet crying because I didn't know what could be wrong. He said bring him on in and lets have a look at jim. So of course being the great mom that I am, I took him there as soon as they opened. Well come to find out my dog had the mange. I was so mad, the lady that we bought him from sold us a dog with the mange. The vet telling me that my dog had the mange was like someone telling you that your child has lice. Well, enough about his little trauma. It's be over a month now and he has went from bald to hairy all over again. Im just amazed that during his small trauma that he didn't mope around the house acting all pitiful. He just kept jumping around like there was nothing wrong.

I am so impressed with the intelligence that comes with this little dog. I guess we have had him now for a good month and a half and he never goes with out amazing me. So far he has accomplished three tricks. I have taught him to sit, lay down, and roll over. He learns these tricks in just moments it seems like.

I could go on and on about our little addition but I would probably bore you to death. I will tell you that he is a great dog and if your looking into buying a dog that they make a good addition to your family.

