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~wElcOmE to cOOkiE's pLaCE~

and you thought i was sweet and innocent...hehe

I realized that my old page +linda's page+ wasn't really up to date so instead of updating it I though i'd just make another page. Well my name is Karin. I'm 19 yrs old, and I live in Göteborg, Sweden. I was an exchange student in Blacksburg, Virginia 99/00. It's not as geeky as it sounds. It was phat. Mad love to all my Blacksburg people.

I don't really know what to put on this thing. But since I believe most people who read this already know me pretty damn well...=) I know i talk waaaaaaay too much so between that and all the times we've played "I have never..." I don't think there's much you don't know *L*

I do hope you know how much i love you though... I GOT THA BEST FRIENDS IN THA WHOLE FUCKIN' WORLD *L* there! and see that's why you can't graduate this year *L* gotta wait til next year and graduate with me and Annika. =)

This is me by the way

I'm goin back to see to VIRGINIA this summer. It's gonna be soooo much fun cuz i miss you guys so much. =) Too bad i can't go on a lil trip to the arizona desert as well...*L* i will some day *wink*

And here's some worthless info about me. *just so you can pass ma test**l*