The Volunteer
The Wizard is terrific at Wizardry, but not very proficient at Stage Magic, although he is intently studying his book "Magic For Beginners". The big moment has finally arrived for him to perform the old "Saw-The-Dragon-In-Half" trick. The Volunteer has second thoughts as he frantically tries to push away the arm holding the saw. The two other Pocket Dragons are afraid the Wizard will run through an inordinate number of volunteers and they might be next. The bunny is simply relieved the Wizard is not attempting the Pull-The-Rabbit-From-The-Hat trick. Chief Assistant Gargoyle knows the Wizard isn't very good yet. He can see the cards and scarves falling from the Wizard's sleeve. Even the Wizard looks slightly puzzled as he reads the directions for the trick, since the Runes simply state "Cut on dotted line". But the Show must go on... The Volunteer speaks to all of us who have ever been foolish enough to raise our hands or step forward without first asking a few pertinent questions.
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