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Sunday, 17 July 2005
Tehran online
Here lies the problem with blogs in Iran and other places behind the Quran Curtain.

A personal website,informs you of what's happening here in Tehran ,the capital of IRAN.This web log is updated weekly.I'm neither royalist nor .... . I just believe in freedom for my painful country

*** In the fight for Freedom,we need to be United.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

// posted by Shahyad @ 11:32 AM

// posted by Shahyad @ 11:32 AM
Tuesday, August 19, 2003
Here I come again.

// posted by Shahyad @ 4:43 PM
Saturday, July 19, 2003
Back again
By the grace of god, I'm back again.(With so many unusual tricks and you might know , I seemed to be hacked).
I'll pen down in the next few days.

// posted by Shahyad @ 10:01 PM
Wednesday, June 25, 2003
Some facts about Iran
If you are living in a country out of Asia and middle east , you might find it necessary to know more about my country Iran.

My motherland Iran is a vast country located in the middle east ,surrounded by the Persian gulf in the south, Iraq and turkey in west, Afghanistan and Pakistan in the east and former soviet union republics (Actually Azerbijan, Armenia, Turkmenistan) in the north. Iran used to have a monarchy system before 1979, governed by the Shah, but after the 1979 revolution the system changed into an Islamic republic ruled by the great faghih ( Islamic scholar ).This country has sufferd many different problems since that time ,from which I can mention the 8 year war with Iraq in which the country was badly destroyed and unfortunately after the war this destruction continued due to the mismanagement of the rulers .
Since 1979 the country is considered as an Islamic country which means ALL the rules are passed in regarding Islamic laws.Therefore, so many social rights that are considerd as basic human righs are thought to be a great sin here.
At the top of the system is the great Faghih who is a shiaati muslim scholar and is not elected by the people ( believe it or not but he is said to be the representative of God on earth ). Then is the President who is chosen directly by the people through a general election, but this is not as easy as what you might think !! The candidates are chosen beforehand by a 12-membered council who are missioned by the leader ( the official name for Faghih).So as you see the whole power is in the hands of ONE person: The leader.
The country has a parliamentary system too, but none of the laws can be passed in without the supervision of the leader.
This is a brief description of the govenmental system of Iran ;I'll try to tell you more in my next writings.

// posted by Shahyad @ 3:11 PM
Wow it's difficult!!!!!!!!!!!!
Preparing a web log Is not as easy as you imagine, especially for such a person like me who is terribly busy these days .
By the way this is my hobby and I try to do my best.

// posted by Shahyad @ 3:06 PM
Wednesday, June 18, 2003
What will happen?
I really don't know how much you are interested in the news of my country Iran but I can say it for sure that we are passing a very seriously important time now.
Today , it's the 6th day of anti-governmental demonstrations in Theran and some other cities in Iran and over 250 people including university students & ordinary people are arrested up to now.
Only god knows what's going to happen in the next few days as we reach to the anniversary of "July 9th 1999 ", in which the Hizbullah gorillas attacked the university student's campus in Theran,but i'm sure about one thing: THERE IS GOING TO BE A GREAT CHANGE SOON OR LATE.

// posted by Shahyad @ 6:01 PM
Here I come.!!!
These are the first words I'm typing now in the web log i've ever had.

// posted by Shahyad @ 5:32 PM

Whoever Shahyad was they started this blog during a period of great unrest and disturbance, they started it for a reason and then it just ends.

Now some of us, get bored, don't have time to post come up with a myriad of reasons to leave the ole blog on the shelf gathering dust, but behind the Quran Curtain a silent blog can be because of

Iran protestor dies in police detention - report

Tehran, Iran, Jul. 17 – An Iranian man arrested for taking part in an anti-government demonstration in Tehran on Tuesday died as he was trying to escape from his torturers at a police station, a government source in the Iranian capital told Iran Focus.

Ehsan Karavi was arrested during a protest by thousands of people in support of political prisoners outside Tehran University on Tuesday. Dozens of protesters, who called for the release of jailed journalist Akbar Ganji were arrested by the State Security Forces and undercover agents of the Ministry of Intelligence and Security.

Karavi was taken to Abbass-Abad police station, where police interrogators put a sack around his head, beat him with truncheons and administered electric shocks to him, according to the source, who requested anonymity.

Karavi used a pause in the interrogation and jumped from the second floor to escape, but he suffered from internal bleeding when he landed and died soon afterwards.

A police spokesman in Tehran, contacted by Iran Focus, said he was unaware of such an incident.

The death comes days after Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei appointed a hard-line Revolutionary Guards commander as the country’s new police chief.

On Saturday, Brigadier General Ismail Ahmadi Moghaddam told Iran’s policemen that they had to “deal decisively with those who seek to undermine the Islamic Republic’s security”, even if it meant “using bullets”.

Iranian journalists reported sighting Ahmadi Moghaddam last Tuesday outside Tehran University as he personally led the security forces’ harsh crackdown on demonstrators.

Blogger Mojtaba Saminejad gets two-year prison sentence

Reporters Without Borders

Reporters Without Borders voiced deep concern today about the fate of 25-year-old blogger Mojtaba Saminejad, who has been sentenced to two years in prison by a Tehran revolutionary court for "insulting the Supreme Guide" and who is due to be tried soon on a separate charge of insulting the prophets, which carries a possible death penalty.

The press freedom organisation urged all bloggers to mobilise on behalf of the young blogger, who was arrested on 12 February.

"All blogosphere messages of solidarity are welcome," the organisation said. "We know that these message reach the prisoners and help put pressure on the Iranian authorities, especially in the run-up to the presidential election. It is vital for people to talk about Mojtaba."

Mojtaba's lawyer, Mohammad Saifzadeh, said the two-year sentence was handed down after a hearing on 23 May in which his client was not allowed to speak freely. To intimidate him, the authorities had him accompanied in court by the police officers who interrogated him in prison.

He will appear in court again on 22 June to be tried on a charge of "insulting the prophets and the holy imams." This extremely serious accusation could result in his being found guilty of apostasy, which carries the death penalty under article 512 of the Islamic criminal code.

Various initiatives are under way on the Iranian Internet in support of Mojtaba. Internet users have dedicated a blog to him in both English ( and in Farsi ( Some 50 Iranian bloggers are openly backing him. The Penlog bloggers group has also firmly condemned his conviction (see

Emphasis added.

The next time you hear someone spouting about the Facist States of America, think about what it is like to live under REAL oppression. Those bigmouth fools don't have the slightest clue.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 10:52 PM CDT
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