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Monday, 18 July 2005
They may have a point
They might even be correct, but in a manner that they do not even realise.

I got this exchange recently on an International

Discussion Board by an American of the Blue Flavour.
Quote: We are, in essense 'creating' a whole NEW generation of Muslims to HATE us, and that hate will spill over into our children's lives in ways we American's cannot image for now.

'Screw diplomacy' and bomb the crap out of the 'Muslims'! That's the mentality in the Capital now - is that what you want 'raining' down on your children, grandchildren, nieces, and nephews?

Here were my thoughts in responce.

There is a valid point in the above. But what is missed is that WE are not the ones coming into Iraq from outside and killing children on purpose and then trying to kill their grieving parents.

Yes there may be some who will hate us forever because we killed family or loved ones of theirs, there however are FAR MORE who will hate our common enemies forever for what THEY are doing!

I think an article on Chrenkoff's Blog illustrates this best.

Overdosing on death

Buried right at the very bottom of a "New York Times" piece - if terrorists in Iraq were digging, they would have already emerged on the other side of the globe (link requires registration):

On Saturday, during a funeral for children who died in the bombing on Wednesday, a unit of the Iraqi police stopped a suspicious-looking man approaching the funeral procession and discovered that he was wearing a suicide vest filled with explosives and ball bearings, the American command reported Sunday.

An explosives team disarmed the man, a Libyan, and no one was hurt, according to the American military.

"The bomber was high on drugs and is being treated for the potential overdose," said Col. Joseph DiSalvo, an American commander. The bomber, he said, "came here to kill the grieving parents of the children who were killed on Wednesday."

"I cannot imagine a worse crime."
Really, it's all about the American occupation of Iraq, which has inflamed feelings in Iraq itself and across the Muslim world. Which is why foreign Sunnis are coming to Iraq to join an organization led by a Jordanian so they can blow up children, and then blow-up their parents, while drugged up to their eyeballs. Clear?

The headline writer at UPI hasn't got it quite right when he or she writes that "Shiite leader says bombings are civil war". Cleric and member of parliament Sheikh Jalal al-Din al-Saghir is saying that "what is truly happening, and what shall happen, is clear: a war against the (Shiites)." And it is a war alright, but not really a civil one, in that Shia are being targeted mostly by foreign jihadis, not Iraqi Sunnis.

You see, boys and girls, Al Qaeda doesn't like democracy, where majority elects their government, and they certainly don't like the Shia, who are heretics and apostates. But it's all America's fault.

Take a GOOD look at this photo.

Relatives of 9-year-old Ahmed wail over his
coffin after Wednesday's suicide car bombing.

THEN go drop Michael Moore a line, tell him how
you feel about his Minutemen.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:49 PM CDT
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Updated: Monday, 18 July 2005 11:52 PM CDT

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