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Wednesday, 20 July 2005
Veritas odium paret
Words Fly Written Stays

Topic: Out of Flyover Land
Words Fly but Written Stays.

That's the secret. It can be hidden, it can be ignored, it can never be mentioned, but it stays. You can find it if you look for it.

You turn on the television, President Bush is visiting Denmark, Words Fly, the anchors, the anti-war demonstrators, all the same voice, but there are other voices, you can find them if you look for them.

Danes waving American Flags and singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic. They can be ignored, never mentioned but Written Stays.

Danish Pro-Americans via Instapundit

"Unbeknown st to most Americans, some Danes came out to show their support for George W. Bush last week on his stop in Denmark."


Danish support for the war in Iraq has risen after the London attacks despite greater fear of terrorism on Danish soil.

An opinion poll conducted by Gallup on behalf of Danish newspaper Berlingske Tidende shows that 75 percent of those questioned find it very or extremely likely that Denmark will be a target for fundamentalist Muslim terrorists in the near future. Before the attack on London, 50 percent of Danes said it was very unlikely.

Despite the greater fear of attack, more than 70 percent of Danes support the current military engagement in Iraq. Denmark, a long-time ally of the United States, has troops in both Iraq and Afghanistan and was mentioned as a possible target by a group claiming links to al-Qaida and the bombings in London.

You see crowds in the MidEast the shouts the raised fists the flags burning, Words Fly.

But Written Stays and it is out there.

Reviled in many places around the world, Americans are adored in Kosovo

American flags flutter on peasants' homes. A couple grateful for U.S. help in ending Kosovo's war names a daughter in honor of Madeleine Albright.
Kosovo's president, Ibrahim Rugova, credits former President Reagan and the first President Bush for policies that Clinton followed to avert genocide in Kosovo and end the war. President George W. Bush, he says, showed his commitment to Kosovo by visiting U.S. troops shortly after his inauguration.

"We like Americans because they're freedom-loving people who are pragmatic and love to help," Rugova said in an interview. "There is a great respect for America -- for the ideal.

"We are small, but even small friends can be important.

Written Stays, LOOK for it.

You turn on the television, another suicide bombing killing young Iraqis standing in line to join the Police force. They bury their dead, they grieve and they STILL form lines to join the forces protecting their families from those who kill the innocent with no hesitation, no regret and with forethought.

You don't hear anyone on the Televison asking or answering the question, WHY?

Profile: Iraq's Wolf Brigade

To its admirers, the Wolf Brigade is the elite commando unit spearheading the new Iraqi government's war on terror

Words Fly but Written Stays.

The Answers are out there. LOOK FOR THEM.

Many thanks to Buster Block for his warm welcome
back to the blog ecosystem ;-)

"Kentucky Dan is back from the dead"

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:11 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:04 AM CDT

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