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Thursday, 21 July 2005
Skinwalkers of Today or the Worshipers of Molech?
Topic: Islamic Jihad
My ancestry includes American Indian. The First Nations all have great reverence for the Dead and those who disturb sacred burial grounds and use the dead for their ends are an abomination.

In Iraq a suicide bomber tried to kill the mourning parents of all those children who died not long ago.

In London another bombing attack has occurred during the memorial service for 7/7

I have not decided whether these slime are Skinwalkers or Modern Day worshipers of Molech, those who sacrifice children to their God.

The have been there from the Dawn of Time it appears they have not changed, just assumed different disguises but their actions are the same.

Yes now that I think Skinwalkers are in the tradition of MY ancestors,

Molech is their past, present and future.

Two Arrested in London Subway, Bus Blasts

LONDON - Small explosions struck the London Underground and a bus at midday Thursday in a chilling but bloodless replay of the suicide bombings that killed 56 people two weeks ago. Police made two arrests in the case.

No one was injured in the coordinated lunch-hour blasts, which shocked and disrupted the capital and were hauntingly similar to the July 7 bombings by four attackers.

Police Commissioner Ian Blair said forensic evidence collected from the crime scenes could provide a "significant break" in solving the case, and hours later police announced two arrests in connection with the latest attacks.

One man was arrested near Downing Street, site of the prime minister's residence, and the other near Tottenham Court Road, which is near the Warren Street subway station where one of the incidents took place. Police said the men were being questioned.

"Clearly, the intention must have been to kill," Blair told a news conference. "You don't do this with any other intention."

He also said it was not clear if the two sets of attacks were connected

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:21 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:06 AM CDT

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