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Thursday, 21 July 2005
Aid and Comfort to the Enemy?
Topic: Iraq War
On the news this evening, I heard something, not for the first time to be honest, and my patience and understanding snapped.

I did a search on the topic that caught my attention, and found.

Pressure grows as Pentagon misses deadline on troop levels

By Bryan Bender, Globe Staff | July 12, 2005

WASHINGTON -- The Bush administration yesterday came under more pressure to outline the number of American forces that may need to stay in Iraq over the next two years after the Pentagon failed to meet a 60-day deadline set by Congress to provide a detailed plan for training Iraqis and for likely US troop levels.

The report to Congress, due yesterday, was required under the $80 billion war spending legislation approved in May. It is intended to help answer one of the most pressing questions hanging over the American-led occupation: when the United States might be able to begin drawing down the estimated 140,000 forces in Iraq.

The White House and Pentagon are facing rising calls from Democrats and Republicans for a more detailed strategy in Iraq -- calls that grew louder yesterday.

''I am deeply disappointed that the administration failed to comply with this initial . . . deadline," Representative Martin T. Meehan, a Lowell Democrat and senior member of the Armed Services Committee, told Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld in a letter. ''It is long past due for the administration to provide Congress with meaningful information to evaluate our progress in Iraq

Man, do I feel sorry for those Generals. There they are fighting a WAR So I guess it just makes sense to let the enemy know our projected strength levels,capabilities, tactical and strategic plans.

Now Dan, some may say, good people may have differing opinions on this War. You are impugning their Patriotism with your rancor.

Well they are either doing what they can to ensure we LOSE this War, or they are just plain stupid.

Which do YOU think it is?

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:08 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:05 AM CDT

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