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Thursday, 21 July 2005
Wow I am not alone
Topic: Iraq War
I found a fellow traveler to my opinions in my last post.

James McGovern, D-Mass, is a disingenuous fool

The House of Representatives passed a resolution today in the form of a rider on a State Department appropriations bill.

The measure, approved 291-137, says the United States should leave Iraq only when national security and foreign policy goals related to a free and stable Iraq have been achieved.

"Calls for an early withdrawal embolden the terrorists and undermine the morale" of U.S. and allied forces and put their security at risk, the amendment to a State Department bill reads.
That the resolution drew 137 votes in opposition is a painful reminder that we do not call upon Congress to formulate geopolitical strategy for a reason.

Some Members, however, were not merely content to vote against the resolution, but opened their mouths and proved their stupidity beyond a shadow of a doubt. James McGovern, a Democrat from Massachusetts, actually said that "to suggest those of us who oppose this war are somehow 'emboldening terrorists' is, to say the least, grotesque."

No, it actually is true. Of course Congressmen who advocate scheduling the withdrawal of the United States from Iraq are emboldening the insurgency. How could it be otherwise? The terrorists have established American withdrawal as their victory condition

Read all of it Tiger Hawk is ALWAYS great.

If your actions give Aid and Comfort to the Enemy how exactly does that fit into the framework of being a Patriot? Though I do notice that the other side of the political spectrum only uses the term Patriot to defend themselves from attack as in
You are insulting my Patriotism, at other times they use it as a swear word and an indication of mental feebleness.

I for one do not mind being called a Neanderthal.
I console myself with the fact that the cranial capacity of Homo Neanderthalis was some 20 to 25%
LARGER than modern man's and therefore MUCH larger than that of such pinheads.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:54 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:07 AM CDT

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