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Saturday, 23 July 2005
Death to the Crusader Infidels!
Topic: Islamic Jihad


Lots of folks mocked Bush when he made his
so called "either with us or against us" speech.

Every nation, in every region, now has a decision to make.Either you are with us, or you are with the terrorists. (Applause.) From this day forward, any nation that continues to harbor or support terrorism will be regarded by the United States as a hostile regime.

But what those fools do not understand is
People like this really MEAN it.

Man linked to London bombings threatens Sweden

This is not the first time Sweden receives terror threats. The man is perfectly right when he says that the London bombers "are not terrorists, as they are doing what Islam requires”: Jihad against the infidels:

Man linked to London bombings threatens Sweden

The 39-year old Swede suspected of involvement in the London bombings has said that Sweden would be “punished” if he was handed over to a foreign power. The man, who is originally from Lebanon, has lived in Sweden since he was 18. In an interview with Dagens Nyheter last October,----

He admitted, however, that he had lived with Abu Hamza, a controversial Muslim preacher at the Finsbury Park mosque in London, who is currently awaiting trial in Britain on terrorism and race-hate charges. The Swedish man says that he lived with one-eyed, hook-handed Hamza “for medical reasons, as a nurse.” While denying involvement in the London bombings,

the man said that the suicide bombers who attacked three underground trains and a bus were “martyrs,” adding that he hoped also to become a martyr one day. “They are not terrorists, as they are doing what Islam requires,”

Sweden, he said, is not threatened by al-Qaeda, although he told Expressen that this could change if the Swedish government handed him over to the British or American authorities. “If Sweden hands me over to another country then it will only have itself to blame. Sweden will then be punished with the greatest punishment.”

Now let's wait for the same talking heads who made so much fun of President Bush explain to us how uncultured and intolerant this fellow is.

Better not hold your breath.

Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 3:15 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:09 AM CDT

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