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Saturday, 6 August 2005
The Religious Policeman

Topic: Islamic Jihad
After an absence of about a Year!

I was going through my bookmarks and adding some of my favorite blogs to a blogroll and came to him and thought, it doesn't matter that he has taken a long leave of absence, the perspective of a man living in Saudi Arabia is VALUABLE.

Then when I went to his site to add him I discovered he had returned?

Back again
Here I am, back again, just like the proverbial bad coin.

Why? Well, in the last 12 months, events took me to the United Kingdom, where I was once schooled, and where I now work. I am much freer to post in safety, but it wouldn't have been very smart to do so the day after I arrived, so I've only just started up now. I will be returning to the Magic Kingdom from time to time, and so there will be gaps in my posting, which may or may not coincide with these intervals, just in case our heroic security forces are keeping track. As there are several thousand of us working here at any one time, and several hundred arriving or leaving each year, I am satisfied enough that I can maintain my anonymity.

I thought I'd got away from terrorist attacks but obviously that was a mistake. As someone with an obvious Asian appearance I feel a bit wary but that's not surprising. I think the British are starting to wake up to the "dark side" of Islam that we see so much in Saudi Arabia but is something new to them over here. Life as a moderate Muslim is getting increasingly difficult. Perhaps I should become a Christian, but where I come from they call that Apostasy and you get your head chopped off for it.

Thanks for all the comments in the meantime, which I'm always interested to read.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:40 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:25 AM CDT

Saturday, 6 August 2005 - 9:59 AM CDT

Name: Jim - PRS
Home Page:

Thanks for the pointer. I've bookmarked that site. The author provides a most interesting perspective on the current state of things.

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