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Wednesday, 17 August 2005
The News and Shell Games
Topic: Out of Flyover Land
What I want to know, is under WHICH Shell, can you find the pea?

I mean where is the REAL News these days?

I feel for the parents of the girl who went missing, but I am getting real tired of Aruba.

Aruba, the man who went overboard while on a cruise ship and now today, there is a woman who is in her 9 month and is missing.

These are tragic events, but they are LOCALIZED.

Where are reports that:

There were over 280 protests, demonstrations and riots in Iran during the month of July, where demonstrators were not only fired upon but arrested and summarily executed on the street?

But then the OFFICIAL reports may be that their injuries were self inflicted???

Iran judiciary official claims slain youth beat himself

Iran Focus

Tehran, Iran, Aug. 17 – The head of the coroner's office in the province of Western Azerbaijan, northwest Iran, told the state-owned ISNA news agency that a young Kurd who was shot and killed by police in the Kurdish town of Mahabad on July 10 had not been tortured as has been claimed by his family and eye-witnesses but instead had beaten himself.

Firouz Mohammadi, the chief coroner in Western Azerbaijan, claimed that forensic examination on the body of Shoan Qaderi had shown that the young Kurdish dissident had been shot once in the chest and once in the right thigh and had beaten himself. "Bruises as a result of self-beating could be seen, and that is a reflection on his character", Mohammadi said.

Eye-witnesses, however, reported at the time that after Qaderi was gunned down by State Security Forces, he was dragged on the back of a Toyota jeep in the streets of Mahabad and taken to a police station where he was tortured to death.

According to locals, the SSF killed Qaderi because he was active in anti-government protests and authorities wanted to intimidate the local population.

Since the incident, there have been continuous demonstrations and clashes between people and agents of the SSF in Kurdish towns and cities throughout northwest Iran, leaving several dead and hundreds injured or arrested.

Where are the reports that:

There were over 1000 terrorist bombings in China last year?

August 09, 2005
Suicide Bomber Blows Up Bus in China: Government Covers Up (UPDATED)

BBC News World Edition

There were more than a thousand reported bombings last year.

Most go unreported by the country's tightly-controlled state media

Oh and where is the intense editorial commentary, linking the above to the presence of US forces in Iraq and our support for Israel?

And along with the docudrama of Mrs Sheehan in Crawford and the photo ops of the crosses run over by that in truth slimy cretin, why is there not ONE mention in the Major Media of the families who seeing their sons name on one of those crosses bitterly OBJECTED to his memory being used to degrade what he was PROUD to be doing?

Where are the reports about THEM?
Other ways to grieve, part 2

Matt and Toni Matula:

Matthew was very proud of being a Marine and proud of his unit and what they were doing," Toni Matula said.

When the Matulas saw the Crawford protest on TV, something did more than just bother them.

"All this stuff going in Crawford, we've just been watching it and shaking our heads until two days ago, we saw the crosses with the names on there," Matt Matula said.

On one white cross read the name Matthew Matula: their 20-year-old son who was killed in Iraq last year.

"He's not a victim, he's a hero, and I think that everybody that's serving our country is heroes," Matt Matula said.

"He knew joining the Marines, his chances are, that was the purpose. His main number one job was to defend our country. He was very aware of that before he signed up," Toni Matula said.

So Matt Matula went to Crawford to stand up for his son, a Marine who proudly stood by the war he died in.

"I went there and had Matthew's name taken off of there. It's fine for people to grieve their own way. It aggravates me to see them using other people's names to further their cause," Matt Matula said.

"For people to use his name against it is not what he died for. He died so that they can do that though," Toni Matula said.

(I only copied on statement go to Chrenkoff via the link for others)

Is their moral authority less "absolute" than Mrs Crawfords? Someone should ask Maureen Dowd to clarify this.

Maybe that is why I get most of my news on the internet these days.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:35 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:45 AM CDT

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