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Friday, 19 August 2005
The Moral Authority
Topic: Iraq War
Of the mother

of a soldier

slain in Iraq

is not absolute

after all.

This in from

One Hand Clapping

Veterans for Peace dismiss Gold Star mother
by Donald Sensing @ 3:20 pm. Filed under War on terror, Domestic

Debbie Argel Bastian watched her son, Capt. Derek Argel, killed in Iraq, be buried at Arlington National Cemetery and is upset that a cross bearing his name has been erected by Veterans for Peace at Santa Barbara?s Arlington West memorial and a display outside President Bush?s Texas ranch, where Gold Star mother Cindy Sheehan continues to protest against President Bush.

Ms. Bastian has asked VFP to remove her son?s name from their displays, but they refused.

As long as a soldier?s name is on the Department of Defense list of war dead, his or her name will be erected on a cross, Mr. Anderson [Veterans for Peace] said. A family member, he added, ?doesn?t have that call? as to whether a name is listed.

But wait a minute ? haven?t we been told that ?the moral authority of parents who bury children killed in Iraq is absolute.

You can read the full story at

Yahoo News

The Gunner is a Minister now and does not allow profanity on his website. Pleas respect his wishes.

I would prefer the same here, but I AM thinking a few choice words.

If you feel like contacting


Don't use profanity if possible. Simply ask them if they enjoy causing extra pain to the mothers of slain soldiers, and tell them you can understand why they do not have Mrs Bastian's photo on their website beside Mrs Sheehan's.

The Chrenkoff website has many other parents who feel much the same as Mrs Bastian, you won't be seeing them on TV, reading about them in the newspapers or seeing their photos on the Veterans for Peace website, normally, but you MAY see some of them on TV, because some of them are going to Crawford.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:24 AM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 6:49 AM CDT

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