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Friday, 26 August 2005
The End of the Beginning
Topic: Islamic Jihad
Winds of Change has a section in its

Hatewatch Briefing 08/26/05

which indicates that in SOME parts of the MidEast the Hatred is now being directed at someone besides the US for a change.

Palestinian suicide bombers are seen as martyrs in the Arab world, fighting for a just cause, just like the 9/11 attacks were seen by many as a reaction to "America's hegemony" over the world and a response to the "U.S.'s pro-Israel foreign policy." However, when terrorism strikes home, the reactions change:

Anti-terrorism cartoons in the Arabic press

The MEMRI article
Reformist Cartoons - Part I Condemning Terrorism
By: A. Dankowitz

Is WELL worth reading and I encourage you to follow the Link and peruse it.

It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words, so I will post a couple of the cartoons here to tempt you. ;-)

Satanic Figures Talk after the Sharm Al-Sheikh Bombings
Cartoon No. 16: "What did those animals [i.e. the terrorists] say, what faction are they from?"
"Those who committed this act are most despicable, they stooped lower than us."

From Al-Akhbar (Egypt), July 25, 2005. [23]

From Al-Ayyam (Bahrain), July 25, 2005. [19]

I think the message is clear enough for anyone to understand, with the possible exception of the mentally challenged demonstrators outside Walter Reed Hospital of course.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:17 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 7:01 AM CDT

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