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Tuesday, 30 August 2005
Free your 180, John Kerry!

I found the following via my friend

third world county

I work nights and sleep days, going to hit the sack in a few minutes so I cannot stay online to get the code for the blogroll, but I want to go on record as supporting this effort and decided to slap this together instead of waiting around. I will update and post some of my personal thoughts later.

UPDATE Now SOME may say this is old business from 30 years ago. It is not. The Man said he would release his 180, and he has not. He even state that he HAD released all his military record and he never did. THAT is not Old Business from 30 years ago it was Last Year.

Myself I am more concerned with other facets of his History, truth be told.

Like: His whitewash of the POW-MIA Investigation. His ramrodding Normalization of Relations with North Vietnam through despite the vehement protests of the American-Vietnamese Community AND their abysmal record in Human Rights.

Regarding these items I have another query of Mr. Kerry, beside the 180.

To Wit.

Was their any connection between the above actions on your part as stated and your cousin receiving an 800 million dollar construction contract?

Oh and along with releasing your 180 I would REALLY like some answers to the questions raised in this article.

Did America Abandon Vietnam War P.O.W.'s?

It is not conspiracy theory, not paranoid myth, not Rambo fantasy. It is only hard evidence of a national disgrace: American prisoners were left behind at the end of the Vietnam War. They were abandoned because six presidents and official Washington could not admit their guilty secret. They were forgotten because the press and most Americans turned away from all things that reminded them of Vietnam
Folks these issues are NOT 30 years ago, they were last year and while the Man was a US Senator and they demand an answer. While Mr Kerry was not alone in this venal cover up it would appear that he and his benefited from it to no small degree financially.

Cao's Blog

Join the blogbursts to help FREE Kerry’s 180 every Tuesday!

We’ve formed a blogburst group and here are the bloggers who are contributing so far. If you want to join the blogroll for Free Kerry’s 180, click here to email me, include the url for your blog. The blogburst is every Tuesday, so don’t forget to blog about it. All you have to do is encourage Kerry to set his 180 FREE, I’ll send you the code for the blogroll.

The more people we have, the merrier!

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 8:45 AM CDT
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Updated: Tuesday, 30 August 2005 7:57 PM CDT

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