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Saturday, 10 September 2005
The Bow of Blood
Topic: 9/11
There have been some interesting revelations about
further symbolic meanings hidden in Crescent of Embrace Flight 93 Memorial.

A case can be made that hidden meanings depend more on the searcher than what is examined. In this case I do believe the defining truth lies in the fact that,

the advisory jury which selected the design---specifically wrote in their recommendation for this design that the name "Crescent of Embrace" be changed to "circle" or "arc" in order to avoid references to "specific religious iconography". That sounds as if the jury, which included victim family members, recognized the potential Islamic references at once.

That from Captain's Quarters
Flight 93 Memorial Intended To Offend

Which SHOULD close the case that this interpretation is due only to the paranoia of small minded Neo-Con bloggers.

It won't though, any more than the above request by the families of the Flight 93 victims was honored.

But there are OTHER interpretations of the geometry that I find highly entreating.

Bluemerle points out that

"What would you say if you found out, among other issues of Islamic imagery being incorporated into the memorial, that the red crescent was canted on the prayer qibla to Mecca?

I know, I know.

But it is.

Shoot an arrow on the bow of the crescent and it flies along the path of the qibla. (the imaginary line to Mecca believers align themselves with when they pray.)


Etaoin Shrdlu presents us with a very impressive case.

Thus the Title of this post.

There is alot more comment on this over at Ace of Spades in
Another "Inadvertant" Feature of Flight 93 Memorial: Crescent Points Towards Mecca (CONFIRMED)

This last bit of information has changed my mind.
At first I want this version NOT to be used, now
I am thinking, yes make it EXACTLY like the illustrations and when I am there I can use
the ends of the Bow for a range finder. ;-)

Let the Left call it the Crescent of Embrace
I will think of it as the Bow of Blood.

Straight up the middle and forward!

If I ever go there I will stand on the Sacred Ground sight along the direction of an arrow laid
on the bowline and think,

Of the members of Flight 93

and my Cousin Casey who fell in Beirut in 83.

Now I say keep the Memorial just the way it is.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 11:38 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 7:09 AM CDT

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