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Tuesday, 13 September 2005
Muhammad al-Dura Myth, What Took So Long.
Topic: Islamic Jihad
Michelle Malkin has a new post up today,
Remember these images broadcast by French state-owned television in 2000 that inflamed the Muslim world and inspired al Qaeda recruiters?

I recall those events quite well. I did some close looking at the video and some stills way back then.

In order to avoid bias, I downloaded the video and the still at the time, from Muslim Websites.

Those links are a few hard drives in the past, but I still recall what I saw back then.

First the Video. You see the boy and the Man behind a barrel the man is looking towards the Israeli lines and hollering.

Then, as I recall the camera view is obscured, not exactly blurred because you see a brief flash of something flesh colored, like a hand blocking the lense. When the view clears the man is sagging as if wounded, the boy is laying still.

In the still photos one can see on the wall behind the man and the boy bullet holes, but not elongated slashes, which would have been made by fire from the Israeli lines to the far right hand field from the perspective of the viewer, but round holes which could only have come from a viewpoint in the same line of sight as the camera and perpendicular to the wall.

That is how I remember it.

Yes Pictures, can lie, but if you look closely they can also tell the truth.

So my reaction to this sudden flurry after all this time is, what took so long for the truth to start getting some real recognition?

Oh and as for this?

a piece of Palestinian street theater, similar to the dramatic Palestinian funeral processions that were observed after the Israeli incursion into the Jenin refugee camp. During that public spectacle, a martyred "corpse" twice fell off the stretcher, only to hop back up and retake his place in the procession. (The Palestinians had claimed 3,000 deaths in Jenin ? the actual toll turned out to be 52.)

I have a link to that video clip, I don't know how many times I have looked at it and almost fell down laughing. Because it is obvious from the action that most of the crowd really thought the man was dead and when he is dropped off the flag colored stretcher and jumps up?

They scatter like a flock of chickens who have just spotted a hawk.

I will try to find that link and update this post with it.


Click here: DEAD WALK


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:13 PM CDT
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Updated: Sunday, 3 June 2007 7:12 AM CDT

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