Topic: Global Warming
I am bumping this post up to the present inspired by the comprehensive article recently in Cox & Forkum on this topic
"Collusion? Forget the oil industry. You have to wonder about the media and environmental scare-mongers. TIME magazine's recent cover story on global warming warned ominously: "Be Worried, Be Very Worried." This week CNN reported: Experts: Global warming behind 2005 hurricanes. And conveniently, this latest round of alarmism comes just in time for the release of Al Gore's global-warming shockumentary "An Inconvenient Truth".
Fortunately not all media are on the apocalyptic band wagon. More articles are appearing that critique "climate change" doomsaying and environmentalism. Here are a few:"
In addition I have an article which gives a different viewpoint than is normally disseminated on what exactly prevented the acceptance of the Kyoto Treaty by the US. K Squared
Gore In The Balance
Posted 9/15/2005
Atmospherics: In 1900, before hurricanes had names, a Category 4 slammed into Galveston, Texas, killing about 8,000 people. And neither global warming nor George W. Bush was to blame. But try telling that to Al Gore.
Hurricanes are unpredictable. In other words, unlike Bush critics who blame his policies for virtually everything except the common cold and original sin. Former Vice President Gore, author of "Earth in the Balance," which proclaimed that the internal combustion engine was the greatest threat mankind ever faced, is no exception.
After a noble deed, personally helping airlift some 270 Katrina evacuees on two private charters from New Orleans to Tennessee on Sept. 3 and 4, he journeyed to San Francisco on Sept. 9 to address a convention of the National Sierra Club. There, he delivered a speech he'd been scheduled to give in New Orleans, one literally blaming Bush for Hurricane Katrina and its consequences.
After repeating the charge that Bush ignored warnings in August 2001 of an imminent al-Qaida attack, Gore declared "there are scientific warnings now of another onrushing catastrophe" that Bush is also ignoring — "that the average hurricane will continue to get stronger because of global warming."
"We will face a string of terrible catastrophes unless we act to prepare ourselves and deal with the underlying causes of global warming," Gore warned.
Hurricanes the size of Katrina are rare, but they are not new, and they are not caused by George Bush or global warming. But don't take our word for it. Listen to Stanley Goldenberg, a meteorologist at the Hurricane Research Division of the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, when he states: "I speak for many hurricane climate researchers in saying such claims are nonsense."
"Katrina is part of a well-documented, multidecadal scale fluctuation in hurricane activity," Goldenberg observes, noting that "this cycle was described in a heavily cited article printed in the journal Science in 2001
I have put the beginning and end here I DO suggest you read the entirety, as I feel it puts the total picture in a consise and easily understood form
A recent paper, "Hurricanes and Global Warming," written by six noted tropical cyclone experts and published in the Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, concluded that no connection has been established between greenhouse gas emissions and hurricane activity, and that the scientific consensus was that changes in hurricane intensity would be small and with historical patterns.
If Gore had gone to the Web site of the National Hurricane Center, he'd have discovered that the peak for major hurricanes (Categories 3, 4, 5) came in the 1930s, 1940s and 1950s, when such storms averaged nine per year. From 2001 to 2004, the average was three.
Nor are hurricanes intensifying in strength. According to the United Nations Environment Program of the World Meteorological Organization: "Reliable data . . . since the 1940s indicate that the peak strength of the strongest hurricanes has not changed, and the mean maximum intensity of all hurricanes has decreased."
Now, if we could only have a cycle where Al Gore would keep quiet.
What is painfully obvious is the vast majority of what the media reported and what Howard Dean and others have shouted from the hilltops is just not true. It is up to us to hammer away at the deceptions and false information in a continual effort, Let the American People see the difference and they will in time, they always do. Approval indexes can go down at the first shock and in reaction to the first shouts but then they climb again.
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Updated: Saturday, 7 April 2007 5:57 PM CDT