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Thursday, 13 October 2005
They hate us because we are free.

The Dhimming of the West?

This all smacks of Dubya's fatuous insistence that "they hate us because we are free."

We have heard these words before and we have experienced that attitude. President Bush is continually accused of being too simplistic and then a series of arguments and rationals follow which in some cases purport that they hate us because we deserve to be hated and everything is our fault.

But is that also simplistic and could it even be false?

Islamist way or no way

The word peace, for example, implies to a Muslim the extension of the Dar al-Islam -- or House of Islam -- to the entire world. This is completely different from the Enlightenment concept of eternal peace that dominates Western thought. Only when the entire world is a Dar al-Islam will it be a Dar a-Salam, or House of Peace."

That's why they blew up Bali in 2002, and last weekend, and why they'll keep blowing it up. It's not about Bush or Blair or Iraq or Palestine. It's about a world where everything other than Islamism lies in ruins.

Democracy a lie

We have declared a bitter war against democracy and all those who seek to enact it," said the speaker in the 35-minute message.

"Democracy is also based on the right to choose your religion," he said, and that is "against the rule of God"

Those are the words of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi and it matters not whether you or I believe what he believes. He is quite willing to kill any and everyone who stands in the way of his goal. Total submission of the globe to Islam. His particular version of Islam, not some Mickey Mouse version that allows others to live their lives beside Muslims in Peace.

He really does Hate Democracy. He really does hate us because we are Free. We are not supposed to be Free, we are supposed to SUBMIT.

Islam divides the world into two portions.

Dar Al Islam which translates as the House of Peace
Dar Al Harb which translates as the House of War.

Now our Culture and their are both quite clear on what the Concept War means.

Where we differ is on the concept of Peace.

To us Peace means harmonious and nonviolent mutual acceptance.

That is not always the case with other Cultures and Languages.

Islam is commonly translated into English as Peace we get thereby Dar Al Islam, House of Peace and Religion of Peace.

But take a moment to look up the root words.

Islam [Arabic ?islm, submission, from ?aslama, to surrender, resign oneself, from Syriac ?alem, to make peace, surrender, derived stem of lem, to be complete. See lm in Semitic Roots.]

So while Dar Al Harb, the House of War is clear and apparent, what it really is, is that portion of the World which has yet to, submit, surrender, and resign to be complete, loose translation become Muslim and there is NOTHING in between.

Now Bali has been "blown up" another time!
Why? Do they support America? Not that I have noticed. Do they support the War in Iraq? I don't think so. Do they support Israel? You must be jesting Indonesia is 88% Muslim. I seriously doubt it.

So why bomb Bali? The US has been attacked in this decade by terrorist ONCE, as has London and Madrid.

Well actually while INDONESIA is predominately Muslim BALI is Hindu and of course Indonesia is not following strict Islamic Religous Law, that makes them Apostates, which is worse than being Infidels. You see professing Islam is not enough if you also dabble in that nasty concept called Democracy.

"We have declared a bitter war against democracy and all those who seek to enact it," said the speaker in the 35-minute message.

"Democracy is also based on the right to choose your religion," he said, and that is "against the rule of God"

So we look at the world, up to 3 million Dead in Southern Sudan, at the hands of Jihadist Fanatics.
hundreds of thousands of Sufi Sunnis butchered in Dafur, at the hands of Jihadist Fanatics, hundreds more thousands slaughtered in the recent era in Algeria, at the hands of Jihadist Fanatics, a generation ago, up to 3 million Hindus butchered in Bangladesh at the hands of the Fathers of the present day butchers.

We see all this horror across the globe, 5 to 10 million dead, on the order of 50 million displaced. and we read

"This all smacks of Dubya's fatuous insistence that "they hate us because we are free." Radical Islamists stand far less of a chance of bringing down Western freedoms (such as they are) than these anti-Muslim jihadists; we're doing it for them. In general, we in the West have much more to fear from anti-Muslim totalitarianism than the ugly spectre of the Muslim kind these writers depict."

One wonders what level of megadeath genocide it takes before some people will accept that we are in the midst of a Global Conflict with an implacable foe who will only accept Victory or Death.

The spectre we depict? Is painted upon the face of the Earth with the blood of innocents butchered in the millions.

And THEY think "we in the West have much more to fear from anti-Muslim totalitarianism than the ugly spectre of the Muslim kind these writers depict"

They really DO hate us because we are Free and they are making generational plans to remedy this.

One of the Greates Threats to their plans is what will be happening in Iraq this weekend, Free People VOTING. Choosing their own Laws and Government.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 12:01 AM CDT
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Updated: Friday, 14 October 2005 2:16 AM CDT

Saturday, 15 October 2005 - 9:50 AM CDT

Name: Doug Halsted
Home Page:

Well put. I don't understand why certain political figures are siding with the terrorists in a complete reversal of what their rhetoric was prior to a Republican taking the presidency. Very odd, it's almost like it's politically motivated and that political power is more important than the lives of US citizens.

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