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Thursday, 17 November 2005
The Democrats who are peddling the Big Lie of ?Bush lied?
The Gunner himself, Donald Sensing, of One Hand Clapping starts Cooking the war with the words

"I have deliberately stayed apart from the arguments about whether President Bush cooked intelligence in order to justify the invasion of Iraq. The reason is that I pledged myself after the last election that I would not do partisan politics on this site. I have not kept this promise completely, but I’ve come pretty close."

He then gives one of the most complete and compelling accounts of this complex subject and it has been said that the moral authority of parents of those in the Service is absolute?

The Gunner has served his Country with Honor, is the Son of one who has served his Country with Honor and the Father of one who serves now. How absolute is his authority when he says

So Barone shrank from saying “the Democrats are being unpatriotic”? I won’t.

Listen, Senators Reid, Rockefeller, former Sen. Edwards, Sen. Kerry and your rhetorical allies: I have known many patriots. My son, fighting in Iraq, is a patriot. And you, sirs, are no patriots. You are actively betraying my son and his comrades. You are giving comfort to the enemy.

His moral authority aside, his account of the facts and fictions being spread in these times have a moral authority that can stand on it's own.

Read the article, don't wait for the movie.

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:55 AM CST
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Updated: Thursday, 17 November 2005 10:39 AM CST

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