is NOT Saying
If anyone finds the above statement confusing?
You are not unique, the Legislature of the State of California has not been able to figure out that Consent, requires Acquiescence and not just the inability of a 14 year old girl who is unconscious, to say No, to the advances of a rapist.
I suppose using the same logic, if you are asleep when a burglar enters your house no crime is committed?
As I understand it this young lady a few years older since the incident wants verbiage put into the Law to make the rape of an unconscious, women or girl illegal.
I am trying to understand the problem with this logic.
Of course this is NOT what the media, except for Fox calls News.
I put her name into a Goggle News Search and got this.
Yep except for a certain Media that tries to make the News Balanced by being all by it's lonesome, the only links I found about this story, was, you guessed it Blogs.
Here is one Big Bubba's Big Blog
Now Big Bubba and I see to be equally disgusted by the confusion of the California Legislators (why am I not surprised?)
Again, I am not sure, don't remember, the details, but it seems the girl, her family, and supporters believe that the boy did not receive deserved punishment. Why? Because the charge of rape could not be prosecuted because she did not say no. Never mind that she couldn't say no because she was drugged and passed out. She didn't say no so the boy received a hand slap.
Something is very WRONG with this picture.
Folks we HAVE to take back our Country and our Courts, things have gone too far!
PS I would say Big Bubba would fit right in with anyone who reads here regularly. Stop by his Blog and Say Howdy. ;-)
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Updated: Thursday, 19 January 2006 3:50 AM CST