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Saturday, 21 January 2006
The Erosion of Values in Society
I suppose at first glance, there will be some who expect a Sodom and Gomorrah polemic about our Society and Culture Today.

In a sense this will be true, but I will NOT speak of consensual activity, between adults, nor non-victimless crimes.

I DO have certain opinions on the concepts of "adult" and "consent".

I consider it a primary Duty of Adults to "Protect Children".

I consider it THE primary Duty of Society to "Protect Children".

Failure by either Society or any Individual to recognize and respond to this Primary Responsibility, is in my eyes a Crime against Nature on the one hand and a Abrogation of the Social Contract between the Individual and the State on the other.

In the current era it has be de rigeur to "redefine"
the concepts of "consent", "adult" and "children" to shirk these duties.

This must stop if we do not wish the Present Civilization of the West to descend into Oblivion.

In my last article I wrote on the Story of Dyan Purdu.

I find it totally obscene that California Law finds that the lack of saying "No" constitutes "consent".
(you will recall the reason given for Dylan not saying No was that she was unconscious at the time)

But passed that fundamental objection of justice I find something even more obscene.

That the Law expected a FOURTEEN YEAR OLD LITTLE GIRL to be able to give consent at ALL!

Adults are responsible for children, children are NOT responsible for such as this.

We have made it so, by the perverted erosion of our duty and the introduction of the disgusting concept of "Age of Consent"

A minor should not be able to give Consent period.

That was the way it used to be.

What is the rationale for now giving them consent on those matters which can be the most damaging to them??

Sex, Rape and Abortion??

I understand that the Supreme Court has just returned to a lower Federal Court a Law informing the parents of a minor of an impending abortion.

Say what?

A minor cannot even be given an aspirin in most jurisdictions, without parental consent but one assumes by the direction of the Law that now this most serious medical procedure, which could scar a young girl with guilt for the rest of her life can be given, and the parents need merely be informed?

The rationale for the Lower Federal Court striking down the New Law was the lack of consideration for Medical Emergencies.

OK I will stipulate in a medical emergency, when the life of the Child is at Risk, physicians need to be able to render such aid as they deem fit.

How many abortions fit this ?

The State has NO right to take away the Parents primary responsibility to protect their own Child.

But the State does such these days, the State has redefined and blurred the concept of adult and minor with the introduction of "Age of Consent" this is wrong.

This is in fact a Statement by the State that it no longer "chooses" to protect these children, but instead gives to them the responsibility.

In other areas the State has fallen even further into what can only be described as perversion.

In several recent case in New England, Judges have given sexual predators, a mere slap on the wrist, because, they do not believe in PUNISHMENT?

How about protecting the Children on our Streets from being raped and abused by degenerates?

No Folks this erosion of the most BASIC Values of our Society, must cease.

From this day forward, you must think of each election, as the Most Important Election in your Life and do what you can to ensure that those who would leave the most vulnerable of our Society, our Children, defenseless, do NOT assume the mantle of Political Power.

We have on the Supreme Court of the United States today, a Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, who thinks that the Age of Consent should be lowered to 12.

We cannot afford any more like her deciding the Fate of the Nation.

From Michele Malkin comes yet another story of the Failure of Society to protect one of our children and indeed an attempt by the State to prematurely bury it's failure!


Here's the latest in Haleigh Poutre's fight for her life: The Massachusetts Department of Social Services, which last week won court-ordered authority to remove Haleigh's feeding tube, is now under fire for failing to detect and act on signs that Haleigh was abused:

Our very Civilization is under Attack these days. The Obvious threats are those who speak plainly in public that they wish to rain total destruction upon us. The less obvious ones are those who come to us with a smile and offer to lift from our shoulders the heavy burdens of responsibility and choice.
I do not believe the First has the Power to destroy us, I DO believe the Second can if we are not vigilant.

Linked to
OTA Weekender at The Crazy Rants of Samantha Burns


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 9:56 PM CST
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Updated: Sunday, 22 January 2006 12:23 AM CST

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