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Monday, 13 February 2006
Rasmsussen Rechecking Math?
It is almost 5:00PM CST.

The Rasmussen website states "Updated Daily by Noon Eastern"

So why does the Bush approval rating text say--

"President Bush Job Approval"

Updated Daily by Noon Eastern Bush Job Approval

Strongly Approve 25%
Somewhat Approve 24%
Somewhat Disapprove 13%
Strongly Disapprove 36%

Sunday February 12, 2006--Forty-nine percent (49%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.

The President's ratings have been higher over the past week than they were for the week before. However, it is impossible to determine if the current peak reflects lasting change or merely statistical noise."

Particularly when I could SWEAR that earlier today I saw TWO days at the top of the chart with

Bush Job Approval
49 Approve 50 Disaprove

Where did Monday Feb 13 go to? I mean I saw it earlier, and it is about 6 hours after it is supposed to be up.

Maybe Rasmussen wanted to recheck his math?

I also recall last week there was one day where Bush's Approval Rating was 50% and the Disapproval Rating was 49%.

I'll just bet you did not hear THAT reported in the Legacy Media!

In other News the Hillary Meter says.

"February 9, 2006--Support for Hillary Clinton's Presidential bid has slipped over the past month to the lowest levels recorded in two dozen surveys over the past year.
Today, just 27% of Americans say they would definitely vote for the former first lady while 43% would definitely vote against. Still, 59% of Americans believe it is somewhat or very likely that she will be the Democrat's nominee in 2008.
Among Democrats, the number who would definitely vote for Clinton dropped 11 percentage points over the past two weeks.while 43% would definitely vote against."

Let's See Bush's Approval Rating is 49%
Hillary's is 38%.

Election 2008

Hillary Clinton

Favorable 38%
Unfavorable 47%

And this is not News.

UPDATE While I was putting this up the Monday figures came back online.

"Monday February 13, 2006--Forty-nine percent (49%) of American adults approve of the way George W. Bush is performing his role as President. Fifty percent (50%) disapprove.
The President's ratings have been higher over the past week than they were for the week before. However, it is not clear if the current peak reflects lasting change or merely statistical noise"

Don't you just Love this part?

"it is not clear if the current peak reflects lasting change or merely statistical noise"

You know? I could be mistaken, but I don't ever recall seeing verbage like that when Bush's Approval Rating goes donwn.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 5:00 PM CST
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Updated: Monday, 13 February 2006 5:51 PM CST

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