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Tuesday, 21 February 2006
Tobacco is SACRED
The Use of Sacred Tobacco is Our Tradition

Our ancestors have used sacred Tobacco for thousands of years. Tobacco has grown on the North American continent for at least the last 8000 years

Sacred sa•cred (say-krid) adj.

1. Dedicated to or set apart for worship.
2. Worthy of religious veneration.
3. Made or declared holy.
4. Dedicated or devoted exclusively to a single use, purpose, or person.
5. Worthy of respect; venerable.
6. Of or relating to religious objects, rites, or practices.

Tribal Elders are dedicated to keeping tobacco sacred. Tobacco is offered to the creator of the earth, for our land, our fish, our acorns, and our life. The creator gives us many gifts. These gifts must be respected and used in their proper way. Tobacco is a gift to be used in a sacred way with respect.

When used in a correct way with respect and honor it can promote good health and assist with spiritual guidance and growth. Each tribe across this United States has different ceremonial uses. Learn yours, use it, respect it. Our people all have a common knowledge of sacred, respect, and honor. Tribal Elders are dedicated to keeping tobacco sacred. Tobacco is offered to the creator of the earth, for our land, our fish, our acorns, and our life. The creator gives us many gifts. These gifts must be respected and used in their proper way. Tobacco is a gift to be used in a sacred way with respect. We thank the Creator of Mother Earth for our life. We offer her sacred tobacco in our ceremonies with respect.

I have been following recent news with great interest and I feel that in the spirit of equal opportunity, I as a descendant of the Ani-Yun-Wi-Ya.
(Total of all real people) should point out that I have found the lack of respect and Honor accorded the Sacred Herb of my Ancestors, highly offensive.

Since it appears that in some quarters decisions have been made to avoid offending other religions even to the extent of discarding basic Liberties and Freedoms then my Religion too should be accorded the same respect.

Most of the other Tribes also hold Tobacco with an equal reverence so you offend not just one religion but many.

There are other offenses that are committed through ignorance of Our Ways.

For instance the Dineh find the mere mention of Death of those who have Passed On to be highly offensive. You will kindly cease publishing obituaries and other announcements of these details.

Now it is true, we no long burn buildings,massacre the innocent or take heads (actually we usually just took scalps they are easier to carry), but I am assuming that it is your desire to show respect for other faiths and not just a craven moral collapse in the face of violence?

Like I said we don't do that anymore, we have actually become rather Civilized as you can see assimilated well, we use computers and everything.

But it does appear that New Savages have arisen to take our place.

They remind me of the European Savages who met my Ancestors, they say the same things.

They have the One True Religion, handed down by the
Supreme Being which contains all direction for life and is a Boon to Mankind, All Loving, All Compassionate and All Merciful.

Nice words. The Original People have heard them before and out of the depths of History I give the words of one of Our Chiefs to this claim.

Many proposals have been made to us to adopt your laws, your religion, your manners and your customs. We would be better pleased with beholding the good effects of these doctrines in your own practices,
than with hearing you talk about them".
~ Old Tassel, Tsalagi Chief ~

City Troll gives us yet another example of the Relgion of Peace in Iranian fatwa approves use of nuclear weapons

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Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 6:23 AM CST
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Updated: Tuesday, 21 February 2006 6:48 PM CST

Tuesday, 21 February 2006 - 5:46 PM CST

Name: The City Troll

Dan off topic but did you see the story that the Iranian clerics have issued an Atomic Fatwa ? I have the story on my blog

Wednesday, 22 February 2006 - 7:25 PM CST

Name: The City Troll

Thanks for stopping by and the well wishes

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