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Wednesday, 1 March 2006
Terrorists are Scabs
There's been a lot of controversy over a United Arab Emirates company slated to manage six major U.S. ports

There have been attempts to allay concerns over Security issues.

Companies like P&O don't provide security at the ports The US Coast Guard and Homeland Security's Immigration and Customs Enforcement do. For instance, in New Orleans, P&O is one of eight terminal operators responsible for marketing the port, signing agreements with shipping lines, hiring labor, loading ships, and moving cargo.

But P&O has no responsibility for security. "We have our own police force, harbor patrol, customs officers, and Coast Guard," says Chris Bonura, spokesman for the Port of New Orleans. "That won't change no matter who is operating the terminal."

Still there are concerns that a MidEastern Company would make it easier for terrorists to infiltrate.

There is a simple solution. A clue to that solution can be found in this statement.

Security Programs, Unions Would Stay at Ports

And Michael Seymour, head of North American operations for Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., the British firm being bought by the UAE firm, said the workers handling security in U.S. ports are supplied by longshoremen's unions -- an arrangement he said would remain in effect. "So it doesn't make any difference whether we are their employers, or other terminal operators are their employers," he said.

There you have it folks all that is required would be to point out to the Longshoremen's Union that Terrorists, are not Organized Labor!

You think the ILA (The International Longshoremen’s Association, AFL-CIO,CLC) is going to allow SCAB Labor on the Docks? HAH! you obviously don't know much about their History!

No, you can forget about Customs, the Coast Guard, Homeland Security, the FBI's Anti-Terrorism Division, I will put my money on the Union members of Longshoremen's Locals. You just whisper the term scab and they will rally like no Federal Civil Service Employee ever thought of.

So there is not much to worry about,---- Uh unless Al-Qaeda petitions to join the CIO (Congress of Industrial Organizations). That happens? We are totally S&**d.


Posted by ky/kentuckydan at 7:34 PM CST
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Updated: Wednesday, 1 March 2006 8:55 PM CST

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